President Craig Fennessey opened the meeting by introducing the officers of our Ring and noting that it was that time of year when it was necessary to renew our memberships by paying the annual dues. The present slate of Board Members was nominated and agreed to stay on as Officers for the year 2013. It is hoped that others, in the coming months, would show an interest in assuming the responsibility of these officers and offer assistance.
Craig advised the membership, in attendance, that both Charlie Pfrogner and Gary Adam's wife were hospitalized recently and awaiting medical procedures. We wished them both a speedy recovery.
On January 20th, Mark Fitzgerald will hold a magic workshop at the home of Chris Dunn and everyone was encouraged to attend A lecture has been scheduled for April and will feature Mathew Wright. The Ring is also planning to hold its annual Flea Market and Banquet before the end of April.
Phil Schwartz, Bob and Valerie Swadling attended the New England Magic Collectors Association (NEMCA) Yankee Gathering XIV in West Borough, Mass. All had a wonderful time and could not speak more highly of the experience.
The Ring welcomed Lee Wolfson as a new member transfer from Ring 81 in Sarasota , Florida .
The meeting was adjourned and after a brief intermission with refreshments served:
Jacki Manna, assisted by a very inquisitive and talkative senior citizen, Matilda, conducted our annual gift exchange. There were numerous exchanges, in accordance with the rules, many picks, many happy faces, some disappointments but I'm sure and pray that everyone will be back next year to participate again.
Sheldon Brook
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