Ring 170 - The Bev Bergeron Ring (I.B.M.)'s Fan Box

Saturday, November 10, 2007

2007-11 From the editor

This goes out after the convention at Daytona Beach, but I guess that no-one from our ring attended as I did not receive any reviews. Or if some-one did attend would they please send a summary for next month's newsletter.

This month the magical art of mentalism has been spotlighted on TV, with the (in)famous Uri Geller and Criss Angel acting as judges while 10 contestants attempt to win the big bucks. I would love to hear from the members what they think of the show, again, more meat for our end of year issue.

Finally, Christmas is almost upon us, so hopefully your diaries are filling up with plenty of holiday party gigs. And speaking of Christmas, are we going to have our traditional gift exchange again this year?


Anonymous said...

The Daytona Convention was excellent! Many people commented that the Saturday night show was the best convention show they had ever seen. The contests and lectures were very good as well. The convention was also sold out, with over 450 attendees. As always, a group from Ring 170 provided the technical production for the shows. Art Thomas

Illusioneer said...

Thanks for the update Art, hopefully other members will folow your lead and use this method of interaction with the newsletter