Ring 170 - The Bev Bergeron Ring (I.B.M.)'s Fan Box

Monday, August 19, 2013

2013-08 Famulus Newsletter

Next general meeting Wednesday, 08/21/2013 at 7:30 PM SHARP
I-HOP Kirkman Road
5203 Kirkman Road, Orlando, Florida 32819

Please join us for dinner beforehand

Lunch meetings in the McDonald’s at 7344 Sand Lake Road, Orlando. It’s two blocks WEST of the intersection of Interstate 4 and Sand Lake Road. We meet every Tuesday at noon upstairs.

Website: http://www.ring170.com/

F. A. M. E. is the Florida Association of Magical Entertainers
Craig J. Fennessy – President – CraigFennessy@gmail.com
Chris Dunn- Vice President – Youngdunns@yahoo.com
Sheldon Brook- Secretary – mrbrook33@yahoo.com
Treasurer - Bev Bergeron - Bev@bevbergeron.com
Mark Fitzgerald- Director at Large - markaf1949@hotmail.com
Dan Knapp- Sgt at Arms - danknapp@centurylink.net
Stefan Bartelski – Editor of “Famulus”- Famulus@illusioneer.com

Got an idea for an article to add to the next FAMULUS? Put it in the body of an email or in a Word document attached to an email. Send it to Famulus@illusioneer.com, and we will get you in print.

2013-08 From The Editor

As we enjoy the last throes of summer, thoughts are going to the upcoming holiday season. Now is the time to start polling your contacts, finding our who may have a need for your services in the winter months. It is also time to think about refreshing your routines, perhaps introducing some new effects, or retiring some of the very old ones.

And for all the readers who do not perform professionally, just have fun enjoying magic, whether by practicing, reading or viewing.

Your editor

2013-08 Ring Report

President Craig Fennessey opened the meeting with the introduction of the Ring officers and sadly announced that a close friend and participant in many of our Ring's activities, Magic Ian, had passed away, following surgery, on July 4th.  Ian had lectured and performed for our Ring in April and he will be missed in Central Florida.

Billy Scadlock announced that he would be leaving for Singapore, to work for  Universal Singapore.  Billy will be there at least a year portraying his Charlie Chaplin character for Asian audiences.

The Ring discussed several different events coming up: Bob Swadling lecturing in Leesburg on September 27th, Jacki Manna is booked for many library shows this season.  Doug Otto and Mark Fitzgerald are at The Hard Rock Cafe and Craig Fennessey can be found on alternate Friday nights at Gator's Dockside in Ocoee, Florida.  Wallace Murphy will be there on alternate Fridays.  Ravelli continues his entertaining on weekends at the Columbia Restaurant in Celebration  as well as the Courtyard at the Marriott Hotel.

Bev Bergeron shared his technique of producing printed business cards from blanks at his Impromptu Magic Session.  Mark Fitzgerald started off the performance portion of our meeting with the Stargate Card.  J. C. Hiatt chipped in with a  card 'Transpo effect'.  David Freeman pulled out all the stops performing Gypsy Queen complete with rope, rings and wand. Charlie Pfrogner pulled from his 'bag of tricks'  a miniature "Girl Without a Middle" illusion and Craig Schwarz followed with a Classic Pass demonstration.    Gary Adams reminded us of Dai Vernon with his routine, "The Trick That Fooled Houdini",  and Dan Stapleton assisted by two audience participants performed a clever sponge ball routine. Chuck Smith was up next with a chain release effect as well as a card prediction that baffled the audience. Ravelli ended the evening by demonstrating an entire magic routine set to music that he uses as part of his repertoire for children' shows. He also performed his version of the 'endless chain'.  It was an enjoyable evening for all.

Sheldon Brook

2013-08 Dennis' Deliberations

“haud ignota loquor”  Virgil‘s Aeneid, 2.91. 

Female illusionist, Ariann Black had a disastrous performance on America’s Got Talent. She and her assistants accidently exposed Jim Steinmeyer’s “Interlude” Illusion.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SFOU2p8Gq4   Black has been attempting to mystify people with magic for the last twenty years.  She’s been mostly unsuccessful at imbedding herself into the  top tier in the Vegas magic scene .Her own show on the strip seemed to fail, she reinventing her show on the strip, which seemed to fail again, she was another magician’s opening act, and then a part in Splash… And now at age 45, I think that you can see the pattern.  I believe that she does have talent but has not been able to translate it and her good looks into the shinning career she seems to want.  It could be that the times and Vegas conditions are just not right.  For all the talent that the late Peter Reveen had, he just never quite succeeded as an illusionist. Both he and Black had their best chance at being top acts in the 80s.

This latest disaster with Ariann Black and The Interlude may have pulled the final curtain  on her attempt at being a star Vegas Illusionist. As sarcastic and snotty as Howard Stern and the rest of the AGT panel, they seemed baffled at trying to understand what she was trying to do.  That means her act was not bad. It was not even good enough to be just “bad”.
Much of the problem is the Illusion she was trying to present, Jim Steinmeyer’s Interlude. 
No one has greater respect for Jim Steinmeyer than I do. He is the single most prolific creator of illusions in the last quarter of the 20th century and he continues to create. But like most thinkers and inventors, not everything he creates is great. One great illusion he created was the Origami Box, another is Modern Art. It virtually made Harbin’s Zig-Zag obsolete.
A clever but not spectacular Steinmeyer illusion is “Interlude”.  It is where a magician steps into an upright frame and is covered in the middle and a woman crawls through his body.  It is another one of Steinmeyer’s feeble puzzles like about 50% of what he creates. I am not a big fan of his “Osmosis”. It is too much box and too little plot. “Op Art” leaves me flat also. “Incubus” is a waste of materials.  But Steinmeyer has enough ingenious creations that he deserves every honor he gets.
P.T. Selbit (P.T. Tibbles) , the genius of the early part of the century, also had a ratio of failures.  I think that like Selbit, many magicians performed his lesser illusions out of respect rather than merit. Both Virgil and Levant abandoned Selbit’s “Mighty Cheese”.  It was a novel idea with a giant two-foot high cheese wheel (cylinder) which could not be turned over by a group of spectators.  The secret was a large internal gyroscope which was spun to high speeds by an external electric motor or bicycle method.  Like all gyroscopes, it resisted any forced movement through its vertical plane of rotation. For all you math geeks, like me, its used Precession. It is is a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body. It can be defined as a change in direction of the rotation axis in which the second Euler angle (nutation) is constant. In physics, there are two types of precession: torque-free and torque-induced. Enough of that!  A gyroscope can be mysterious and I am sure it was more so at the beginning of the 20th century and Selbit’s audiences.  But a puzzle is not a magic trick.
“Interlude” is just not that great of a magic trick. The only way the Interlude sort of works is with a virile male in the box and a gorgeous female passing through such as Charlotte Pendragon and Joanne Spina. Siegfried and Roy added a surprise ending by backing it up to a Million Dollar Mystery mirror tube and producing a black panther out of Roy’s middle.
The illusion always seems to take on  a sexual metaphor. (Not to get too Freudian, here)   It has a tinge of masochism-domination as the guy gets penetrated by the female, For some this must be a male and female fantasy. I will just leave this line of commentary at that point.
“Interlude” works as a throw-away for a big box show when used this way.  Copperfield helped his performance with the remote controlled rotator. The Pendragons were all beef and skin. The boxes were irrelevant except as shock and awe.
One other performance I saw with it had merit. It may have been Hirakowa ( The guy in Honolulu with the hotel dinner show) http://www.magicofpolynesia.com/
I seem to recall that his Interlude split in two down the middle! .  It was themed in bamboo with vines and at the end were tiki torches that he held on to as he was sacrificed by an island  shaman to have a slender Hawaiian Goddess pass through his heart.  It clam-shelled open  to let him in and then closed. The plot dominated the trick, as it probably should with this illusion.
But for me and most others to do this effect would come off as kinky… Ah,  the pain of growing old ( and knowing it)  Apparently  Ariann is clueless about her age. She has increasingly become garish in her looks and was spooky on the AGT clip…harsh and old. She is not aging as well as Heather Locklear, who is also getting ragged.  Ariann, like Melinda, was very attractive in her youth and still appealing but now in a different way.   Like Melinda, she needs to take a different career path and business model.  What she is doing is not working.