Ring 170 - The Bev Bergeron Ring (I.B.M.)'s Fan Box

Sunday, January 14, 2007

2007-01 Famulus newsletter of IBM Ring 170

Newsletter of IBM Ring #170 The Bev Bergeron Ring

Next general meeting Wednesday, 01/17/2007 at 7:30 PM SHARP

Board meeting at 6:30 pm

Meeting theme: New Magic - a chance to show off or try out those Christmas gifts

Marks Street Center, 99 Mark Street, downtown Orlando

If you visit with us and do not know the room we meet in , please be aware that some of the people in the office at the Senior Center may not be aware we are meeting there! At the last meeting one visitor asked where the "IBM" was meeting and the management apparently thought they were asking for the International Business Machines group! They said that there was no "IBM" on the schedule. So, if you have never been to our ring meeting , please say "magicians" or "FAME" and if that doesn't get the room location , just walk around looking for us. The Senior Center is a public building.

Lunch meetings every Tuesday at noon at Goodings (next to the food court)

Website: http://www.ring170.com/
F. A. M. E. is the Florida Association of Magical Entertainers


Craig J. Fennessy – President – CraigFennessy@gmail.com
Chris Dunn- Vice President – Youngdunns@yahoo.com
Art Thomas – Treasurer – Art.Thomas@Disney.com
Dennis Philips- Secretary – Dennis@alliedcostumes.com
Charlie Cox – Sgt at Arms – Charles_c2000@yahoo.com
Stefan Bartelski – Editor of “Famulus”- Famulus@illusioneer.com
James Songster- Director at Large, - JjTjMagic@aol.com


Got an idea for an article to add to the next FAMULUS? Put it in the body of an email or in a Word document attached to an email. Send it to Famulus@illusioneer.com, and we will get you in print. Please, please, please, use the above e-mail address, your messages are in danger of getting lost if you do not do so.

2007-01 From the editor

Happy New Year to everyone, all the best for a safe, prosperous and fun 2007.

Many thanks to everyone that submitted material for this newsletter, including the pictures. I hope that everyone who brings a digital camera to Ring events will remember to send copies for the newsletter. The good news is that if you see a picture of yourself or a friend and would like a copy, a simple right click allows you to download the picture for e-mailing or printing.

Another advantage of our blog is that you can append comments about a particular article. This way all of the ring can participate in the discussions of contentious issues. Please keep your commnets civil, inappropriate postings will be removed.

I will add my thanks to Harvey for the great job of leading the Ring for the last two years and congratulations to the new officers elected at the December meeting. Craig has some new ideas that I am sure will please the members and, as always, the board is very grateful for any good ideas and offers of help from the rest of the membership. We cannot do it all alone. And don;t forget that I appreciate material and comments about the newsletter, but please be sure to send them only to famulus@illusioneer.com.

Have a magical 2007

2007-01 Ring Report - Ring #170 - The Bev Bergeron Ring

Our Ring December Holidays meeting had a great attendance. President Harvey Brownlow brought the meeting to order . Many guests filled the seats: Jacki Manna's son, Justine, MJ Emigh's two young ones and other youngsters could be the future of our Ring! Also present, Sidney McWithey, Kirk Musch,Darren Castelle, Eric Zeliya , Nathan Kapp and Brooksie and George from Miami.
Lecture Chair Craig Fennessey gave us a preview of some of the exciting lectures planned for 2007. Jackie Manna gave us an update on old members Wayne and Marty Scott who now live in west Lake County. MJ Emigh spoke of the upcoming visit in Central Florida by Andy Dallas. and IBM Territorial VP, Steve Hart told us about the advantages of posting your magic website on the IBM server and getting the first hits when people search for "magicians".
The club election for the new officers for 2007 was put up to vote and elected were: Craig Fennessy, President, Chris Dunn, Vice-President, James Songster was elected as Director at Large. Returning to offices are Art Thomas, Treasurer, Dennis Phillips, Secretary and Charlie Cox as Sgt. at Arms. The 7th board member according to the club constitution is Stefan Bartelski, editor of FAMULUS.
The business meeting adjourned and we got down to the fun part, our annual White Elephant Gift exchange, coordinated by Jacki Manna. This is a fun club activity where everyone wraps up a "gift" of something magical worth around $15. Names are drawn from a hat and each participant gets to choose one of the gift boxes. The fun comes in when then have a choice of either keeping what they got or taking a gift from someone else! This is limited to 3 "steals" on a gift. Much laughter and expressions of loss follow these exchanges. The person who loses a gift gets to draw another unknown one. The final fun part is that we take a break and enjoy a few minutes of the food and drink and then have to actually perform the trick in front of the club.
The show combined performances with some of the newly acquired tricks as well as some prepared and polished routines. James Songster tried out an effect he just got where a signed note with a card prediction is held by a spectator who selects a card . That card's name appears on the paper ,in another mysterious written message ,while being held by the spectator. He found out the chemicals were a little out of date, but in his typical style, he made it a comedy hit! George Iglesias,a pro from Miami and new to the Orlando area, did some good card work with a spectator.He featured a false explanation of one effect with a lot of good laugh lines.
Ravelli did a nice job with a rope with 8 ends that changed to 2 ends and then his signature Fire Eating act. Young Sidney McWithey did an excellent routine with multiplying sponge balls. Nathan Knapp produced three kings from a deck and the spectator's chosen king was face up in the deck. Kevin Butler did the classic coin effect through the table where the cup covered with the paper napkin also vanished. Erik Zeliya made a silk handkerchief disappear and reappear on a spectators sleeve.James Songster, also a tour guide at Walt Disney World did an impromptu explanation of all the origins of the traditions we follow at Christmas.
The party ended and we closed out another year for the Ring. Good things are always happening in Ring 170.
Dennis Phillips

2007-01 Letter from the President

Happy New Year!

It is the start of another year for FAME and IBM Ring 170. On behalf of myself and the newly elected board members I hope it was a happy and safe holiday for you all.

We have a lot of magic in store for you this year and hope to see you all participate.

I want to thank Harvey Brownlow for serving in the capacity of president for the past two years. It is a big commitment for anyone, but two years WOW!. I do, however, feel up for the challenge. We are going to begin this year with a board meeting at 6:30pm prior to the regular IBM Ring 170 club meeting on January 17, 2007, in which we will begin to layout activities for the coming 2007 year. Members are invited to this meeting, but not required, we will review our board meeting content during the normal club meeting for those of you interested.

I hope to see some of you step forward this year and give us a hand on some of the new events we are planning. We can’t do it without you.

I welcome any new or old ideas that any of you may have for club activities this year. That includes possible magic lecture ideas as well ……


Craig J. Fennessy


IBM Ring 170

2007-01 Christmas Party Pictures by your editor

Click on picture for FULL size view, right click to download a copy

2007-01 Christmas Party Pictures by Kerry Pierce

Click on photo for full size view

Kerry Pierce

2007-01 Letter from "It's Unbelievable Magic"

How Coloring books are made

Joe making Svengali decks

Joe & James with Artie Kidwell

James Displaying His Self-Made Invisible Deck

It has been an Unbelievable Year!

January found "It's Unbelievable Magic" returning to visit and perform with our friends in Ft. Myers, and Gainesville. In February we returned for another season at the Bay Area Renaissance Festival. It is always great to revisit with everyone and each year the festivals get better! The new Circus Stage the Mid America team built for us to perform on at BARF was wonderful. We can't wait to get back in '07. The dates this year are weekends from February 17th - April 1st. Please drop by and say hi if you make it to the show!

In March we were invited to be a part of the festivities for the 20 year anniversary of Give Kids the World. Each month we set aside time to go to the Kids Village in Kissimmee and perform a show for the kids and their families. The changes that we have watched happen at the village since first visiting in 1992 are amazing! James and Joe have been a part of the village, both individually and as a team, for 15 years.

For the Kid's Village 20th Anniversary celebration, James and Joe's magic show was once again a featured part of the festivities along with the Characters from Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World. But perhaps the highlight of the night was getting to hang with John Stamos who played Uncle Jesse on "Full House". It was an exciting night but there was more to come. On April 27th. James and Joe were awarded for their volunteerism by both Walt Disney World and Universal Studios Florida to the sum of $1,500.00! It was
a pleasure to present that money to the terrific folks at Give Kids the World.

James and Joe were both active individually as well. James undertook the role of Tevye taking center stage in the Celebration Players production of Fiddler On the Roof. Joe continued his work with Cirque du Monde and flew out to Las Vegas for the annual training workshop. While there he was able to see many of the new Cirque du Soleil shows including the brand new production of "Beatles - LOVE". It is now Joe’s favorite of the Cirque du Soleil resident shows.

Summer always means lots of shows and 2006 was not exception. Libraries and programs for the City of Orlando Recreation Department kept things busy during June and July. August allowed for a few quite moments and family vacations.

It's Unbelievable Magic and our show "Bunnies In Peril" hit the road in August and went all the way to Ohio! The Ohio Renaissance Festival has never seen anything like two guys shooting a small bunny out of a cannon before! The boys spent the end of August and all of September living in a 40 foot Prevost motor coach and alternately performing at the festival and exploring the state of Ohio. The audiences at the Ohio Renaissance Festival were some of the best "It's Unbelievable Magic" has ever met. When we weren’t performing we were exploring much of the stateof Ohio! Did you know that they have roller coasters in Ohio? And Cincinnati? And Chili 5 Way? And cornfield mazes? And the U.S. Playing Card Company? And the most awesome magic shop, Haines House of Cards?

And a special shout out to our friends at the Lebanon Ohio Buffalo Wild Wings. Keep 'em blazin’. We'll be back!

One of the highlight of visiting Ohio was getting to meet Past President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians Ken Klosterman and his lovely wife. Ken invited us to visit his Magic Museum "the Salon De Magie" in the Magic Mine. WOW. Thanks for everything Ken! See you again in '07?

October equals Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios. Long nights, hoarse voices, creepy people. And that's the audience! In November we always look forward to the Daytona Beach Festival of Magic. This year was no different. Magicians in large numbers and lots of shows. What's not to like? It simply was the must attend event of the year. Unless you aren't a magician. We're not sure what non-magicians do for fun. Attend non-magician conventions? Or order pizza delivery and watch magic exposure specials on cable?

We ended the year with one of our favorite traditions, performing on Christmas Eve as Santa's opening act at the Give Kids the World Village. "It's Unbelievable Magic" has made it a Holiday tradition to spend Christmas Eve at the Kids Village for many years now. James and Joe perform the magic while our friends, or family depending on relationship, the Harpies provide the harp music for the resident families enjoying the evening in the Castle of Miracles. It makes a perfect end to a very Unbelievable year.

Every indication is that 2007 will be just as Unbelievable and even busier. Stop by at any of the shows and say 'hi" if you are in the neighborhood. Until then, from us to you,

Have a Magical New Year! May it be UNBELIEVABLE!

Joe Vecciarelli

2007-01 Fearless Magic

Fearless attitudes are needed to perform magic. It’s not just the patter or the gestures that are needed to perform, there is the edge of the abyss that must be faced as you embark on an attempt to bring an audience with you on a magical journey. This can quickly turn into an unintelligible display of foolishness and amateur movement.

When one performs magic, one must become a character. Magic is acting and assuming a role of the magician. One must find a suitable vehicle to convey your magical prowess. Waiving a wand and wearing the appropriate outfit does not make you a magician nor actor. The outfit is just a costume but it gets you in the right frame of mind. The right effect must be discovered.

There is the easy way out, a self working effect that anyone can do if they have the wherewithal, or try an effect that has an element of danger. The danger is that the edgy effect may not work.

The rings is the ultimate classic magic effect that has the edgy and problematic performance level to invoke fear in the performer and can wind up a thing of beauty or an obvious puzzle.

The rings should never be a puzzle to be guessed, they should always be a performance to be watched. There is a chess-like attack in the performance. Each move builds to the next and misdirects and confuses until the spectator gives up the puzzle. Questions are answered before asked. Doubts are satisfied with each subtle move. In the end, subsequent answers can be only justified with only one possible answer. Something magical has occurred.

-Magic Ian

2007-01 Mind Games mentalist show coming to area

Mentalist Marc Salem's MIND GAMES will be at the Melbourne King Center
Sat. & Sun., Feb. 10-11 at 4pm ($32 & $28) and Tues.-Sat. Feb. 6-10..7:30pm.

I plan on going to the Sunday, Feb. 11 4:00pm show if anyone wants to ride with me.

Dan Stapleton

2007-01 Ring 258 presents Steve Reynolds

The Lake County Magic Club, I.B.M. Ring #258
Steve Reynolds
(a Brother John Hammon Student)
The lecture will be held on
Thursday Evening, February 22, 2007 @ 7:00 PM
Lil' Anthony's Restaurant, SR 441 North, Leesburg.
Ring 258 Members - Free, Guests - $15.00
(Proof of membership in a recognized magic organization required)
For More Information Contact:
Jim Moody, President - IBM Ring # 258

2007-01 When do we start the magic?

I am not a frequent contributor to the news letter…actually, this is my first, so be gentle with me. However, as we start a new year, I am putting together a new magic show for birthday parties. While contemplating which routines to include, I recalled a show from a couple of years ago and wanted to share the experience with my fellow ringers.

The birthday party was for a group of approximately 15 kids, varying in age from about 4-12 years old. The setting: the home’s garage, with kids on the floor…garage door open (at kid’s back)…almost outside.

The show began with a “Happy Birthday” paper tear and restore; followed by various routines, including sponge balls, silk production, a couple of card tricks, and more; closed with a 36-inch clown silk blendo…with lots of interactive comedy mixed in.

Reactions were very good. Kids were paying attention, eagerly volunteering, laughing at the comedy (especially Inky, Stinky and George). In general, they were having a good time, and I was having fun with them…it felt like a good show.

Yes, there is a…but…just as the clown blendo was produced, and I said “it’s been a lot of fun ‘clowning around’ with you”, one boy (about 10-yrs old, and very interactive during the show) said, “When do we start the magic?” This particular kid was entertained, but apparently not impressed. We moved on to the balloon twisting, and he did not elaborate on his expectations.

My performance style is “comedy magic”, with a lot of audience interaction…and no live animals (I keep some grey hair under my hat, in case kids ask for a rabbit…many of the jokes are for the ‘big kids’…code word ‘adults’). Sometimes I perform in clown attire, and sometimes as a straight magician…either way my focus has always been on mixing the ‘magic’ and the ‘comedy’ to leave the audience ‘entertained’.

For the show discussed above, I was performing as a straight magician…and apparently from one kid’s perspective, the expectation for ‘magic’ was different than the comedy routines used in the show. Although that show was the only time anyone ever reacted as that 10-yr old, it influenced me to modify the show then, and it will be a factor as I decide the routines for this year’s show. You may not be able to meet everyone’s expectations, but you should listen to everyone’s reactions.

I still think it is all about ‘entertaining’…but here’s a lesson from a 10-yr old…leave your audience with a little bit of ‘wow’, especially if you are not wearing your red nose.

Here’s hoping you have a great ’07.

Bill Terry (aka PJ)

2007-01 Download a FREE e-book

My Free Book Giveaway
Message from Steve Johnson - Grand Illusions.

While browsing the web recently I discovered something troubling.
I saw an e-book being sold that contained several routines for an
invisible thread reel. The names of the tricks were identical to
the names of the routines that were published in my 1991 book,
"Floating Freely in a Fine Fashion".

This prompted me to dig my book out of the word processor
archives and review it's contents. (It took some time as the book
was written with software that doesn't exist anymore!) Sure
enough, the titles of the routines were as I remembered them and
almost precisely matched the titles of the routines in this
advertised e-book.

I was NOT happy. It looked very much like my copyright was being

I bought the book and waited patiently for them to e-mail my
copy. After a few hours I received my e-book sent in Microsoft
Word format. I opened the file and took a look.

It was my book.

Text had been added to the book, mostly self-serving propaganda,
but all of the sections from my book were there. They hadn't even
corrected the typos and grammatical errors that I made in '91.

After seeing this proof, I was REALLY unhappy. With some more
checking around, and a few phone calls to the right people, my
beliefs were confirmed - My copyright is being infringed upon.

After considering legal action to be a 'lose-lose' situation for
everyone, I decided to do something far more satisfying (and

We don't live in the Wild West anymore. Clearly, you can't rob
someone without there being reciprocal action. We are in a day
and age where people are held responsible for their actions -
especially with the use of the Internet.

With this viral way of thinking, my decision is to now give every
single person, interested in the art of magic, the authorized
version of my manuscript - FOR FREE!

After reviewing the old text, making some small revisions to
bring the older manuscript up-to-date, and changing several
typos - It's time to give away electronic copies, free, on the
Grand Illusions website.

All you have to do is just click the link below, and you will
land on the download page. You can have it for no monetary

I ask only one small favor.

Whether or not you choose to download the authorized version of
my electronic book for free, please tell all your magic friends
about it. Tell them that they can have the book for free too!

When they ask you why Steve Johnson is giving away his material
for free, tell them he was being ripped off and didn't want to
let it happen anymore. He was sick and tired of it, and finally
did something about it.

I'd rather EVERYONE have the material at no charge than let some
unethical magic dealer sell unauthorized copies at an outrageous

Tell your friends this is my way of combating the copyright
infringement, my stand against the increasingly popular trend of
stealing intellectual property.

When you've downloaded it, please save my electronic book to your
hard drive, copy it to your PDA, or print it...it's yours to do
with as you wish.

The only thing you can't do is sell my free manuscript or use it
as any part of any profit making offers or ventures like the
unethical magic dealer who started all of this.

But, why would you lower yourself to his standards anyway? That's
not how you operate, nor I.

If you see my electronic book for sale anywhere, please take a
stance and remind the seller that their actions are both
unethical and illegal. And certainly don't trust your credit card
number or hard earned cash with someone like that.

But enough of me talking; go download the authorized version of
my electronic booklet on the invisible thread reel right now.

Click or paste this link now!

Please enjoy it; it's my gift to you and the whole international
community of magic.

When you have a moment, drop me an email at
webmaster@grandillusions.com and let me know if you agree with my
stance on ethics, let me know your feelings about my execution of
this grass roots action and obviously comment on the free
e-booklet you've downloaded and shared with all your friends.

Yours sincerely,

Steve Johnson
Grand Illusions
December. 2006

2007-01 Rebuttal to Dennis' Review

Dennis recently wrote a scathing review of a recent lecture plus a stage show by Franz Harrary. I certainly respect the opinion of Dennis, but I must disagree with his assessment.

First, I need to point out that Franz did, in fact, lie. He stated at the start of his lecture that, “there are no secrets,” meaning that he would explain any effect that the audience asked about. I suppose that there is a line somewhere. I believe that he lied by the letter but not by the spirit.

I have never been a fan of this illusionist. I have never found magic spectacle either interesting or entertaining. By the conclusion of the lecture in question, I had become very respectful of the work Franz does. I still cannot be considered a fan, but my appreciation of his style of magic has skyrocketed.

Franz made no attempt to hide the fact that he does not have a lecture. He explained that the idea was thrust upon him and he agreed to wing it. The same holds true for his stage act the following night. I have seen no evidence that those statements are untrue.

So, let’s take a look at the “lecture.” This performer is, very obviously, a great self-promoter. Considering that Houdini would never have made it without that same talent, I think it’s safe to say that Franz is in good company. I do not feel that the lengthy video clips presented were strictly self-serving promotion. Who would he be promoting to?

It seemed to me that, in the case of the first video, he was showing what a good audition tape should look like. Forget the magic; the timing of the sequences, the graphics, and the constant use of name and image are key. I have seen few better advertising vehicles in magic, and much can be learned by watching his.

The other video presentation was as much a time-killer as anything, but it did show the performer to best advantage. It would seem that anyone interested in this type of magic would enjoy seeing this.

The so-called lecture consisted of Q&A. Audience members would ask questions of various topics, many of which were of the, “how did you?” variety. Dennis feels that he did not answer these questions. I feel that he answered them as well as he should have.

Rather than give detailed information on how a particular effect was set up, Franz gave clues as to how they could be accomplished. He explained the nature of shooting for television and how it can be done to the illusionist’s advantage. He explained that the answers are all really right on the screen if you care to actually examine it. It is the essence of misdirection with the large image or action covering the small image or action.

What purpose would it serve for him to go into detailed explanations? Would anyone in his audience actually want to duplicate the effect? At what point does this make the switch from teaching to exposing?

Those are not rhetorical questions. I would really like to hear the answers Dennis has to them.

I feel that Franz succeeded in giving some terrific information to the audience. He told them to think. He encouraged them to decide what to do and then to think of a way to do it. It is my belief that telling magicians to think is one of the greatest of all lessons. We see way too many copycats because copying is not only allowed, but encouraged through lectures and patter-heavy magic instructions.

If Dennis had stayed for more than 20 minutes of the lecture, he would have known that Franz did, indeed, borrow his props for his stage performance. Though far from a stellar show, it had solid entertainment value. And that is what we should all be striving for.

- MJ Emigh

2007-01 Dennis' Deliberations

Well, my opinion piece on the Franz Harary part of the Daytona magic convention completely polarized my readers. Actually, by a wide margin, most of you agreed with what I said. I received several E-Mails that said, "Finally! an honest review of a magic convention!" and "Its about time someone starts telling the truth". And then I got a few that said things such as : I have no "right" to criticize Franz and I did a hatchet-job on Franz because I was jealous of his success and I am an angry, unfulfilled. bitter old man living in the 1950s! This criticism of me is a common technique that is used when someone has no valid point so they resort to attacks on the personality and character of the critic. I do appreciate this free psychoanalysis of my motivations and consider it worth what it cost me: nothing. Our past Ring president, MJ Emigh, disagreed with my view of Franz but he wrote a civil and well-crafted rebuttal. Stefan will print it and I am thankful for MJ expressing his feelings. <>
Speaking of psychoanalysis, magic is a compulsive hobby for some people. To them is like a cult religion where they loose all objectivity. Jeff McBride may as well be David Koresh to some. They will follow him to mystical compounds and do who knows what. I guess some people just don't have a real life or their life is so devoid of meaning that they have to cloister themselves in front of a mirror and dream they are wonderful while they practice their Erdnase underhanded double-lift glide pass with an Elmsley Flustration-shuffle full-pack cull. Or they lock themselves in their warehouse spending hours folding and unfolding their Origami Box long after their gorgeous female assistant has gotten bored and left with the sound man. So, ANY type of public personal opinion is not usually appreciated in other magic publications. This is why you get mostly rave reviews for acts that stink. Anyway, you can be certain that I won't mince words here. This job doesn't pay anything so I am free to tell it like I see it. I don't want this Ring to get too fond of Rev. Jim Jones' formula for Grape Kool-Aid.
During the past few weeks the Michael Richards heckling incident has filled the media. I have been on E-Mail chatting with other magicians about it. Larry Thornton from Calgary, Canada sent me some comments from Wayne N. Kawamoto and those comments follow. First of all, racist hurtful language is never acceptable. I used to wince when Don Rickles used his ethnic humor back in the days when we were not so politically correct.
Yet I feel some sadness for Richards. After all he was heckled. He did not start the process! He was attacked first with crude and inappropriate remarks. Rude members of his audience attack him from the audience and were disturbing other paid ticket holders. If you open your mouth from the audience and get blasted, you can be upset by inappropriate language that is said back to you but you bear some of the blame for disturbing the performer. My second point is that all performances , such as Richard's, are copyrighted and no one has the right to record and distribute any part of it. I realize that cell phone cameras and small recording devices have made this possible but it is still illegal. If Richard's rant had not been recorded, the incident would have not had national coverage.
If Richards is "sued" ( and that seems to be the answer to everything!) then the hecklers should be sued for the damages they caused to the value received or not received from the performance as well as the loss to Richards for inciting his actions. The person recording the performance must also be sued by Richards for violating copyright and illegal distribution. Kawamoto says:
"Aside from the despicable language and behavior, the recent incident with comedian Michael Richards brings to light the problem of heckling, something that all entertainers and especially magicians have to deal with.

It is interesting that Richards was even being heckled. When his fellow Seinfeld alumni Jason Alexander performed at the Magic Castle earlier this year, his show was an adoration-filled love fest. The audience practically worshiped Alexander-hanging on his every word and laughing, clapping and cheering generously in the right places.

After the show, there were people, even long-time Castle members, who said that Alexander's show was one of the best that they had ever seen. The show was good, but not among the Magic Castle's absolute finest. But hey, that's star power.

In the same vein, one would have expected a crowd in a comedy club to be equally in awe of Richards, the television star. But obviously, this was not the case. Understand that comedy clubs are edgier environments than that at the Magic Castle.
The incident brings to light the fact that as entertainers, we are all going to receive our share of rude feedback and, at times, heckling. I used to think that if you kept improving my magic and polishing your presentations, you would be able to one day rise above heckling. But the fact is, no performer is immune from it.
And the more I talk with other magicians, even well respected performers-the best in our field-the more I realize that every magician has horror stories and 'memorable' incidents.

Perhaps magicians are among the entertainers who are most likely to be heckled. After all, we encourage reactions from crowds, and it's natural for some to view a magic show as a challenge to catch us and figure out secrets.

Personally, during performances, I've dealt with my share of smart alecks and hecklers. It's usually loud, negative or boorish comments, typically, before I've even started a set.

If it's a small crowd in a strolling situation, I try to diffuse the situation with a semi-humorous comment that acknowledges but doesn't insult the person, and doesn't give-up any ground. And then I do my job with my magic. In a larger crowd, I usually continue on until the loudmouth gives up. I have the microphone so I have the advantage.

These strategies have worked for me thus far, but I'm sure that I've got many interesting audience situations in my future. When it comes to performing magic, I'm a glass half-empty kind of guy. I always say that I haven't yet met my worst crowd.

I think that the best thing we can do as performers is to polish our presentations to a high level, make our routines as entertaining as possible and execute the finest magic that we can. As entertainers, we have to take interruptions and rudeness in stride and keep our cool, something that Richards didn't do. Our jobs can be trying. It's indeed part of the game.

And even if I receive some smart aleck remarks as I arrive at a table or begin a show, I think it's better than the other negative alternative, being ignored. With the audience's attention, even if that pain in the neck in the third row can't keep his mouth shut, I still have the opportunity to entertain with magic, connect with the crowd and potentially turn the culprit."
I hope that 2007 is a good year for all of you. Skull Kingdom est mort -thus another rare venue for Orlando magicians to work , disappears.
Finally, the late Gerald Ford was the only sitting President with whom I ever talked. In the late 80s I got to talk with out-of-office Jimmy Carter at a religious function for Habitat for Humanity. In the late 60s, when I lived in the D.C. area, I did a couple of kids magic shows at the White House Easter Egg hunts on the south lawn and only saw Pat Nixon at a distance.
President Ford came to Freedom Park in Charlotte in 1975 to celebrate and give a speech at what is called "The first shots of the American Revolution in 1775". English King, George the 3rd , called Mecklenberg County, the "Hornet's Nest" of anti-British feelings. That is where the present day names of the Charlotte sports teams (Hornets) come from!
Anyway, I was in charge of the technical aspects of TV pool coverage (they sub-contracted with Jefferson Productions for our mobile units) and I worked with the Secret Service and White House. Ron Nessen , Ford's Press Secretary and my old friend from NBC , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Nessen was there as we met with Ford for a few minutes.The Secret Service and John Belk (mayor of Charlotte) was in the meeting before we all arrived at the Freedom Park speech site from Douglas Airport. Close by Ford were several aides and a very serious looking Military General with a black large briefcase. It contained radios and the codes to unleash American Nuclear weapons.
I briefly went over parts of Ford's speech and lighting and camera angles with an aide and the Secret Service. Ford was a pro, asking me to explain the local pronunciation of everything! I explained that the town of Monroe, North Carolina was pronounced , "Mun-Row" and not "Mahn-roe".... Lancaster, South Carolina was pronounced, "Lank-est-er" and not "Lang-caster"..... Nessen and another aide made notes for the teleprompt glass projectors and Ford never fluffed a word.
Ford was one of the last of the decent President-Statesmen. Following his term of office, political opponents began again the practice of personal attacks. Ford once said about Nixon's extensive "enemies list", "If you can't keep the whole list in your head, you have too many enemies!".
Congratulations to all the new officers in our Ring...We have a lot of great activities planned for 2007. Be with us all the way!
Dennis Phillips