Ring 170 - The Bev Bergeron Ring (I.B.M.)'s Fan Box

Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013-12 Ring Report

President Craig Fennessey opened the meeting with a few comments regarding future programs starting next month, December 18th, with the Ring's annual Christmas Gift Exchange. Jacki Manna and her able assistant Matilda will host the event.
Dan Stapleton reported on the progress of the Florida Convention to be held here in May. Members were reminded that there was a limitation on the number of seats available at the Banquet and if you were interested in attending to make your reservation now and not to wait.
Bev Bergeron commented that he had been asked to perform, this past week, at a Weird Convention in Hartford, Connecticut and had been well received.

Craig, then introduced our guest Lecturer for the Meeting, Daryl. Daryl, went on in front of one of the largest group of members that had ever attended a lecture on a meeting night. Daryl was entertaining as well as informative and it appeared that the audience was very satisfied with his performance and would look forward to his return.

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