Ring 170 - The Bev Bergeron Ring (I.B.M.)'s Fan Box

Saturday, June 15, 2013

2013-06 From the editor

We are already almost half way through the year, how time flies. The summer is traditionally a quiet time for magicians, unless, I suppose, you are in the thrills park or Rennaissance Faire business. It is a good time to review your effects, practice the one that you do not use often, try some new ones to add to your script (you do use a script, don't you?) and think hard about which ones you might drop alltogether for the upcoming season. Now is also the time to clean up your customer database (you do have a customer database, don't you? If only a card box with names, addresses and phone numbers). Start planning who you will contact when, to make sure you have enough to do in the upcoming holiday season.

I wish all Ring 170 and Ring 99 members a happy, safe and restful Independence Day.

Thanks to Dan for his multiple contributions this month, due to a "lost" email. And as ever, thanks to Dennis for his insight and wit.

Your editor

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