Ring 170 - The Bev Bergeron Ring (I.B.M.)'s Fan Box

Thursday, August 16, 2012

2012-08 Ring Report

President Craig Fennessey opened the meeting with introductions of guests David Freeman and Ivan Dandini both from Clermont, Florida. Craig reminded the membership that they were entitled to a discount on tickets to the upcoming Genii Convention to be held here in Orlando. Veep Chris Dunn reported on the opportunity he experienced in attending, for a day, the National IBM Convention. Our Ring's Jeff Pierce is releasing his book Cardwarp Tour at the Genie convention.

At the end of this month, Mark Fitzgerald will have completed 6 years of performing at Orlando's Hard Rock Cafe. Mark also performs close-up at the Portofino Hotel and at Goodwill Industries new store openings. Mike Martin is entertaining at Give Kids the World and invited the Ring membership to participate if they were available.

Bev Bergeron presented an interesting Teach-In showing his method of handling and passing, simultaneously, five (5) half-dollar sized coins through a table. Practice!, Practice!, Practice!.

Phil Schwartz followed with Magic History Moment No.42, a treatise on Multiplying Billiard Balls.

After a brief intermission Chris Dunn emceed the performance portion of the meeting. William Zaballero started it all with a multicolor thimble routine. Cody Morgan followed with an entertaining example of Poker Chip and Card Magic. Mark Fitzgerald shared three (3) effects with the membership. A magic color changing wheel, changing a dollar bill to a hundred dollar bill and back. He finished strong with a four (4) ace transpo routine. Brandon Zaballero followed with a juggling routine that brought out a very popular response from the audience. Dan Stapleton ended the evening by predicting the outcome of a magician name matrix by having a volunteer move through the names and ending on the predicted outcome. The outcome mysteriously appeared on a blank tissue paper when ignited. Truly. a great way to end the evening.

Sheldon Brook

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