President Craig Fennessey opened the meeting with 20 members present and one (1) guest, Richard Myer of San Jose , California who is the Territorial Vice President of IBM for Northern California . Craig mentioned that a raffle will be held through October for a framed Houdini Poster that had been donated to the Ring by Richard Hewitt. The Tickets will sell for $5.00 each or 3for $10.
The previous weekend a memorial service was conducted by many of the late Jack Kodel's friends, Terry Ward led a Broken Wand Ceremony. A representative portion of our Ring attended a performance in Mt Dora by Kreskin. An interesting discussion of his act took place. Chuck Smith reported on the recent Tampa Bay Magic Fest which he attended. Mark Fitzgerald told of a trip he took with Tim Clancy to Eberhard's Bar in Key West . Mike Martin has resumed his work entertaining at Give Kids the World in Kissimmee . Ravelli is performing at several resort sites in the area. Mark Fitzgerald and Wallace Murphy have been performing at the openings of several Good Will Industries in our area. Jacki Manna is presently doing her act in Ft. Myers , Florida.
Our first lecture of the Fall season will be Dan Garrett on September 5th. Several other events are coming; The Genii Bash as well as the Daytona Magic event to follow.
Bev Bergeron followed the discussions demonstrating an impromptu magic effect using either toothpicks or matchsticks. Phil Schwartz presented Magic History Moment No. 41. His talk was on British magic dealer and publisher, Will Goldston.
After a brief intermission, Chris Dunn introduced the performing members of the Ring; led off by Charlie Pfrogner who entertained with a color changing egg bag, a rope and a silk. William Zaballero and guest Richard Myer performed with several card effects. as did Dan Stapleton. Mark Fitzgerald opened up his bag of tricks and demonstrated a $1.00 bill transpo to $5,00 as well as a coin production that was very entertaining. J. C. Hiatt and Ravelli were the final two performers. Ravelli performed to a musical accompaniment using cards, DVD's and a torn and restored a newspaper with a smash oral recovery of the paper. J C demonstrated his skills with a production routine that included cups, balls and a film cannister. The Ring responded with a thunderous ovation.
Sheldon Brook

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