Part One
When my son Chris and I came up with the idea for a video series for magicians we had great hopes for its acceptance. In a way it was successful but the best thing to come from it was the opportunity to meet some of the greatest magicians of today and yesterday, John Calvert, Mart Wilson, Jeff McBride, Terry Seabrook, Jack Kodell, Celeste Evans, I could go on and on.
(I am not neglecting to mention our own Bev Bergeron and Dan Stapleton.)
We traveled the country for two years and produced seven - two and a half hour dvd disks of magic that included interviews, visits to some of the remaining brick and mortar magic shops, hints from the professionals and tricks demonstrated and explained by the presenters.
From Monday Night Magic, Fantasma Magic Shop and the New York City Roundtable, to Denny Haney’s in both Baltimore and in Vegas, visits to Norm Nielsen’s home to see his poster collection and spending time among the unbelievable collection in Gary Darwin’s abode and on to Texas, Phoenix and California for visits to The Castle, Lee Grable, Jay Leslie and on and on.
One of the first places we visited was Las Vegas, referred as the magic capital of the world. I’ll have to admit there were a lot of magic shows in Vegas when we visited...and there still are. With limited time we saw Mac King, Nathan Burton, several magicians on a show that included Kevin James and a midnight show about vampire ladies scantily clad...but of course, we went to see the magic theme of the show. (Sure!) We missed the top draw, Lance Burton but we did get to visit and interview Gary Darwin and Norm Nielsen at their homes.
We knew that Denny & Lee had a brick and mortar shop in Vegas and trouped out to videotape it for the series. We had a great interview with Tom, who runs the shop and were invited back to an evening of magic in the “backroom.” It’s secret entrance was behind a bookcase which opened into a small theatre with stage and chairs. It was “open mike night” and several of the “locals” did a turn. I guess the ambiance of Vegas makes every magician look good. I especially liked a guy who did sightless vision and up until that time I was not a big fan of that venue of our craft.
Wonder of wonders, Denny, himself appeared, in his trademarked checkered sneakers. He said he had stopped in from the home shop in Baltimore on his way to play The Castle next week. We, too, were going to be in Los Angeles the next week. AND Wonder of wonders #2, Denny invited us to be his guests at The Castle.

Flash forward a few days and a lot of miles and we were in The Castle. Denny did an egg bag routine with two ladies from the audience and it drove home the fact that it is not the TRICK but the performance that is the entertainment. The magic is only the vehicle for the amusement. That thought reminded me of another egg bag worker Jeff Hobson...the same trick but a completely different approach.
That night we met Mark and Nani Wilson, who we later visited, and renewed our acquaintance with Ballentine whom we had spent a few hours chatting during a convention in Daytona.
All for now. Next month we travel up the California coast near San Francisco and visit Lee Grabel and wife, Helene.
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