Travis & Yves Wonder Show of the Universe will run for 7 performances at the Orlando Fringe Festival on the following dates:
5/16 FRI 8:10PM
5/17 SAT 12:15PM
5/18 SUN 7:30PM
5/20 TUE 6:30PM
5/21 WED 6:20PM
5/22 THU 10:50PM
5/24 SAT 3:25PM
Tickets are $10.00 and can be purchased at the fringe festival's website: http://www.orlandofringe.org/ or at the festival before the show. All seats are general admission, and the show is family friendly. A Fringe button is required to enter ANY Fringe show within ANY venue. The button costs $6 and is a one time purchase. Patrons MUST have Fringe buttons on to enter the venues.
Do you believe in Ghosts? Experience astonishment and be mesmerized as you witness a historical re-creation of supernatural manifestations and decide for yourself if the spirits really do come back.
At the turn of the century this belief was not only held by many, but was being demonstrated on stages across America and England during the heyday of the Spiritualist movement, which flourished from the the 1840s to the 1920s. Though no more than a small subculture in modern times, this movement still exists even today.
Come experience this fascinating glimpse into the past along with a modicum of other mysteries of legerdemain and grand illusion.
You can learn more at www.wonder-show.com and www.myspace.com/wonder_show
Produced, written, and directed by TRAVIS WINKLER and YVES BROOKES
TRAVIS WINKLER and YVES BROOKES are entertainers, world travelers, and purveyors of the mysterious and unusual.
Each an accomplished actor, Travis is also a director and professional illusionist, while Yves brings her knowledge and experience as a researcher and practitioner of theater arts to the table.
Together, they’ve traveled and performed all over the world: the Casinos of Atlantic City, the theatres of Bratislava and Prague, the streets of Italy, the prestigious Karlovy Vary Film Festival in the Czech Republic, the Cannes Golden Lion Awards, and even the remote countrysides and villages of India, Bangladesh, and South America.
Rex Todd Alexandre
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