Many thanks to everyone that submitted material for this newsletter, including the pictures. I hope that everyone who brings a digital camera to Ring events will remember to send copies for the newsletter. The good news is that if you see a picture of yourself or a friend and would like a copy, a simple right click allows you to download the picture for e-mailing or printing.
Another advantage of our blog is that you can append comments about a particular article. This way all of the ring can participate in the discussions of contentious issues. Please keep your commnets civil, inappropriate postings will be removed.
I will add my thanks to Harvey for the great job of leading the Ring for the last two years and congratulations to the new officers elected at the December meeting. Craig has some new ideas that I am sure will please the members and, as always, the board is very grateful for any good ideas and offers of help from the rest of the membership. We cannot do it all alone. And don;t forget that I appreciate material and comments about the newsletter, but please be sure to send them only to
Have a magical 2007

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