Ring 170 - The Bev Bergeron Ring (I.B.M.)'s Fan Box
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Dec 06 - Election of Officers
The Board has nominated Craig Fennessy to be President, Chris Dunn to be V.P., Dennis Phillips to continue as Secretary, Charlie Cox to continue as Sgt at Arms, Art Thomas to continue as Treasurer, and Joe Vecciarelli and James Songster to be Directors at Large. The Board unanamously supports these candidates, and we hope that the membership will, too.
DEC 06 - Ring 170 FAMULUS Newsletter
Next general meeting Wednesday, 12/20/2006 at 7:30 PM SHARP
Meeting theme: Christmas Gift exchange
Marks Street Center, 99 Mark Street, downtown Orlando
If you visit with us and do not know the room we meet in , please be aware that some of the people in the office at the Senior Center may not be aware we are meeting there! At the last meeting one visitor asked where the "IBM" was meeting and the management apparently thought they were asking for the International Business Machines group! They said that there was no "IBM" on the schedule. So, if you have never been to our ring meeting , please say "magicians" or "FAME" and if that doesn't get the room location , just walk around looking for us. The Senior Center is a public building.
Lunch meetings every Tuesday at noon at Goodings (next to the food court)
Website: http://www.ring170.com/
F. A. M. E. is the Florida Association of Magical Entertainers
Harvey Brownlow, President - harvini@yahoo.com
James Songster, Vice President - JjTjMagic@aol.com
Dennis Phillips, Secretary - Dennis@alliedcostumes.com
Art Thomas, Treasurer- Art.Thomas@disney.com
Charlie Cox, Sgt. At Arms - charles_c2000@yahoo.com
Joe Vecciarelli, Director at Large - talkingmute@tampabay.rr.com
Stefan Bartelski, Editor Famulus - Famulus@illusioneer.com
Got an idea for an article to add to the next FAMULUS? Put it in the body of an email or in a Word document attached to an email. Send it to Famulus@illusioneer.com, and we will get you in print. Please, please, please, put Famulus in the subject of the email. Due to the high volumes of spam your messages are in danger of getting lost if you do not do so.
Dec 06 - From the Editor
Don't forget that the next Ring meeting is the most fun meeting of the whole year, remember to bring your wrapped gift of $15 value and have great time.

Dec 06 - Ring Report
Former Ring President Carl Fowler and his wife Barbara dropped in to say hello from the road. Carl is spending lots of time in Tennessee and points in between. A few years back, Carl was winning all kinds of magic contests and inventing illusions. He also was awarded the John Calvert Award for excellence for the music Carl used in his act. Carl is still active in magic and building his own performance hall in his mountain resort town.
There are always lots of thanks for the Ring's help in community projects. The latest being performing at the Habitat for Humanity fundraiser. This was headed up by Roger "Cigam" Reid. Steve Hart is busy with his seminar workshops on using magic for success in sales. If he has one close to you, be sure to attend. Dan Stapleton gave us a recap on the Daytona Festival of Magic held the first week of November. Everyone had a great time. The December meeting will again feature our annual Holiday Party and the fun, anxiety and mayhem of the "White Elephant" Gift exchange. Package up your unused magic trick worth at least $15 and bring it for a wild and crazy group exchange. Jacki Manna, our hospitality chair-person, does a great job in coordinating this annual event.
Ben Mason informed us that Madge Elaine's World of Entertainment, an Orlando source for magic and clown supplies has moved and changed names. They have moved only a few blocks away on Humphreys. "Pizzazz Theatrical" will be the new name. They have retained the old telephone number to call and get directions. If my memory serves me well ,this business dates back to the late 60s when founded by the late Clarence Godwin as Funway Store. During the Hollywood East craze of the mid to late 80s, everyone was told by the theme park developers that Orlando would become the new Hollywood for film making, Clarence changed the name to Paramount Theatrical. It was sold by his widow to the late Madge Elaine Simpson. The business survived a bankruptcy reorganization in the early 90s . When Madge died her family sold it to Kay Gonzales. At various times in their 5 previous locations, they have carried magic props, illusions and books, wigs and extensive theatrical makeup. A couple of years ago Kay acquired some of the costume rental stock from the defunct Costumes Unlimited. Through the years most theatrically related businesses in Orlando have struggled to survive. We can hope the move and name change is successful.
With the business meeting adjourned, President Brownlow turned the activities over to Bev Bergeron to MC the evening's Ring show. First up was Charlie Pfrogner with an original trick he created after a trip to Walgreens. The plot centers around a spectator that selects a card that is spread with other cards on a table. A yellow plastic plucked chicken , about six inches tall, is introduced and blindfolded . It managed to land on the selected card and lift it up in its orange claws! Think of this trick as the poor man's version of Dick Kornwinder's Car. Charlie showed us that Walgreens also is a place to find magic.
J.C. Hiatt did a clever and skillful Chop Cup routine with an ungimmicked paper cup and red yarn balls. He ended with the surprise double production of yellow tennis balls from the cup. Carl Fowler was back up front and in fine form with his version of the Professor's Nightmare. He had some new twists on the classic Bob Carver effect.
Bev did a quick portion out of his classic Bottle Act. He rolled an imaginary cigarette and then struck a match and suddenly the cigarette was lit and in his mouth!
Wallace Murphy produced 4 coins from a skeleton purse under a spectator's nose. After some classic Murphy moves he had the spectator select a playing card and it reversed itself from face up to face down in the deck.
Bev Bergeron took a moment to show us a great routine with a die box originally made for Del O'Dell. He also gave some great hints on performing sucker tricks for children. Bev pretended to misunderstand the yelling from the kids, so as not to embarrass them. He also timed the revelation so the feeling for them was fun rather than feeling foolish. Bev painted his die to look like an ABC block because many adults do not want their children associating with dice used to gamble.
Dan Stapleton pulled out a mysterious and fun effect from the Jan. '06 Linking Ring Parade by Harry Reeve called Triple Roulette. It is a kind of the Bank Night
trick. Three spectators put one dollar in a pay envelope and the fourth spectator puts in a twenty dollar bill from Dan. The cups are numbered one through four and the idea is for each spectator to take turns and draw cards and whoever deals a card with the number of the cup on it will get the contents of the cup. As it turned out, Dan got to keep his twenty dollar bill.
Dennis Phillips distributed several dozen souvenir match boxes to anyone present from the Magic Castle in Hollywood, California. Charlie Justice, gave us a preview of his new and dynamite effect on the market called "Prohibition". A bent metal soda cap penetrates into a glass Coke bottle even while held by the spectator. This one had everyone scratching their heads. With the meeting adjourned, we look forward to the December booking season. Good things are always happening in Ring #170.
Dennis Phillips
Dec 06 - Message from Stan Lobenstern
Some of my wife's friends in the Club might want to know this update on Sandy's condition, so please pass it on.
After her Breast Cancer was diagnosed, she had a Lumpectomy which seemed to got OK, Thank God. But the surrounding cells showed additional microscopic Cancer cells growing.
So she is going inro Winter Park Hospital again on Thursday, Dec 7 for a Masectomy this time. Doctor said that she should only be in the Hospital a couple of days, barring any complications and then be able to recouperate at home.
We know that God will watch over and help her and we also please ask that you mention good things for Sandy in your prayers so that we can get all the help that we can.
Thank you-all ever so much
Stan Lobenstern
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Dec 06 - Magic Library Inventory Notice
It is the end of the year inventory for our magic tape library. Please return all your checked out magic DVD's and video tapes to the December meeting. Normal library checkout will continue at our January 2007 meeting.
Happy Holiday!
Craig Fennessy / 407-947-1182
Ring 170, Orlando, Florida
Just wanted to let all know that we are having a Christmas Sale-- 35%OFF ON ALL VHS TAPES and REMEMBER 10% discount off of our already low prices on anything in the store for RING 170 Members OR IBM, SAM Members or ANY Card carrying Entertainer.
EVERY SAT / SUN 11am-12.30pm and again at 3pm to 5pm
Don't Forget to bring the little one down to see SANTA and get their free Goodie Bag!!!!
Thank You
Tom & Donna
Backstage Magic & Novelties
Dec 2006 - Dennis' Deliberations
Let me preface my remarks on the Daytona Festival by saying that Harry and Irv really try to make this convention an enjoyable one for magic aficionados. The ultimate results of the Festival have been a successful and enjoyable weekend. Their dealer markets have adequate displays in which to spend money and most of the lectures are informative and fun. The artistic success with the stage shows has been up and down from year to year. The technical aspects of the stage shows are top-notch ,in spite of sound system issues that I understand were not the fault of our crew. The show tech is managed by our own experts in Ring 170, Art Thomas and Sue , James Songster, Joe Vechiarelli and their families and other ring members. I always have a good time. This year spent an hour or two talking with Steve Hart. Chuck Smith, Dan Stapleton and many of us old guys found time to sit around and fellowship.
The Friday Night acts on the cabaret shows are typically only a little better than a yearly banquet show by a large Ring. Remember that not a lot of great entertainment is expected on Friday Night . Of all the shows I have seen, either the comedian or ventriloquist got the best response. One unforeseen problem with this year's slate of shows was that four major acts ( Johnny and Pam Thompson, The Pendragons, Scott Humston and Ron Conley) were forced to cancel and fill-in acts substituted.
This year ,comedy magician John Ferrantino stole the Friday Night show. Unfortunately he was the opening act. The show closed with a weaker , but adequate, standard illusion act,Don Townsend and Company. Combined with the wrong order for the acts was Dave Risley,a less than vibrant MC . Joe Young did a rather dated "Rubics Cube" act with a lot of clever moves. Sammy Smith is a solid performer within any children's show venue, which is not really what the Friday Night show crowd wants. Erick Olsen was well received and opened with a self levitation. His "Instant Elvis" using an audience assistant ( in this case, Dan Stapleton) lip syncing to "Burnin' Love" was a crowd pleaser. Determining the show order of performance is a hit or miss proposition. The producers take an educated guess on the basis of sound checks and rehearsal appearances. With so many major changes in the acts this year due to illness and accidents, we were lucky the show went as well as it did.
Much more in the way of great magic is expected on the Saturday Night show, but keep in mind that it is an "open to the public" show and not for magicians only.
Last year's Saturday Night show with Max Maven and James Brandon was a vast improvement over the year before when the show was entirely the bizarre minimalism of Jeff McBride's full-evening show . Two years ago Kohl and Company brought down the house in the Saturday night show.
This year's Saturday Night show was a mixed bag with a weak first half and a strong second half.
Let me digress: The biggest disappointment of the convention for me was Franz Harary. It began with Franz's disgraceful and dishonest Friday Night lecture. I left after 20 minutes.
Franz began the lecture by saying that he does not do lectures and did not have a lecture prepared. He then said that he would do something better and is almost never done.He would take questions on how he accomplishes his feats and answer them! "Everything is on the table! There will be no secrets!". A wave of excitement swept over the crowd of magicians. He said he would begin by showing his 12 minute promotional video and then bring up the lights and explain anything that anyone wanted to know.
The lights dimmed and his highly produced promotional portfolio splashed across the screen. He moved mountains, made space shuttles vanish, made helicopters appear and even floated a woman across a swimming pool and another assistant up the side of a skyscraper.
The video ended and the lights came on and the cruel farce by Harary began. It was painfully obvious within 3 minutes that he never intended to specifically reveal anything! A duped magician raised his hand and asked, "How did you make the girl float across the swimming pool?" (To the best of my recollections) Franz responded with , "Well, we first wanted to float her over Waikiki Beach and over the Pacific but we had trouble getting permission from the Hawaiian authorities. We finally settled on the hotel swimming pool. The girl floating is now my wife and the tape was done 2 days before our wedding. At one point she dipped a bit and got her dress wet and we almost didn't get married. We had to get up at 5 in the morning to do the shoot and all the people around the pool were my friends. It was a great effect! Now, do we have another question?"....
He continued on with an obfuscation of another question by a magician about the Appearing Helicopter by retreating into talking about the television screen being two dimensional and being able to move the camera and "force perspective camera shots" and then he said, ""Is there another question?".
This was far more than I could handle in terms of honesty ,so I walked out.
I can not understand why Harary didn't just come clean at the beginning and say, "While I can't give you exact specifics about what I do, I will give you some broad and generalized principles on doing the kind of effects that I do". Instead he came off as an arrogant and pompous politician who steadfastly refused to be honest with his supporters. No one really wanted to know the gauge and tensile strength of the wires he (more than likely) used to suspend the girl over the pool or the brand name of the cherry picker Hi-Lift he probably used (out of the camera frame) to suspend her from above . No one was asking the shape of the lift she was laying on or how the wires were connected. Oh my Gosh! I just gave you far more specific information here than he ever did at the lecture!
Some of Franz's "vanishes" seem to me to involve painted partial flats that are not detectable due to the lack of depth in a TV screen. He uses them the way the old "glass shot" was used in Hollywood. In those days the camera shot through a large sheet of plate glass and parts of the frame were painted with realistic details while other parts remained clear glass so you could see the actors in the smaller part of the frame. In one stunt on the "Masters of Illusion" PAX-TV series, Franz made a plane appear on the runway. He had a large framework made of lighting trusses. A curtain dropped down to cover the frame for a fraction of a second and then it dropped away to reveal the plane. I believe he used a clever partial flat to simulate the empty runway. The plane was behind it all the time. The flat's edge ended where a distant horizon was at the far end of the runway. What was deceptive was that a pickup truck was traveling along the edge of the horizon! No one was the wiser that they were looking a flat painting or computer generated photo image on the flat. This is stuff that Franz led us to believe he would reveal, so I am doing it for him.
Another technique is to rotate the viewer's platform (that also contains the camera) into a matching adjacent vacant area directly on the side , thus it appears the object has vanished. This was the Copperfield method on the Statue of Liberty. The big joke of his "Space Shuttle Vanish" was that the clouds changed! This was because what you saw was not the same real cloud pattern as that around the Shuttle. Man, I am really telling you folks what you should heard at his lecture if he had been completely true to his opening statement!
Harary's act on the Saturday night show was less than worthy of someone with his fame. Franz used a large upstage screen to project his promotional videos.
When he came on stage he was dressed like a street bum in tennis shoes and baggy faded pants. This was not the sharp suit and manicured image we saw on his excellent "Master's of Illusion" Pax TV series. Do not misunderstand me, when he wants to, he is a class act. He deserves our admiration for all the things he has done. My complaint is that we deserve to have been treated better by him.
He began this stage show with his original "Walking through a woman." staged with female dancers doing outdated 80s choreography. The name of the illusion is far more spectacular than the actual effect even though it uses an extremely clever and simple method. His act included a Paul Osborne Palanquin. It is a girl production cabinet that looked identical to one that local Ring member and illusionist Rex Todd Alexandre built and owns. Did he borrow Rex's? Then there was a horribly long and nonsensical bit with a woman and a snake in a Duck Bucket that was probably also a borrowed prop. There was something with a Peanut Brittle Snake can. Did he borrow that from Harry and Irv?
Yes! he must have done another major feature of his Franz Harary stadium show: 5 minutes with a little boy and a mouthcoil!
Finally, he did the second of his original illusions, "Culture Clash" where he locks down two girls and rotates them so that each change bottoms. That was it.
Never has so little been done for so many with so few actual illusions, to borrow a phrase from Winston Churchill. Out of 35 minutes of actual time he took, he was backstage a significant portion of the time while we, in the audience, watched his promotional videos.
Harry and Irv probably try to spare all expenses in bringing in their acts. This helps to keep the Festival on a profit-making basis for them. We can't criticize them for that.
Sometimes the seemingly threadbare talent budget shows around the edges and Harary probably was an example. From my point of view as a consumer, I paid to see Franz Harary's Show and not a pale cobbled-together , scaled down version of him using mostly borrowed props and killing time. I could have lived with the Saturday Night show, but his Friday Night joke-of-a-lecture cemented my negative opinion of his role in this year's event. Even Friday night we did not get to see and hear the honest and real Franz. Saturday we didn't see the real Franz either.
I have a hard time believing it was intentional on the part of Harry and Irv and I hope that they never repeat this type of insult to the intelligence of their paying attendees.
I was drafted on Friday night to judge the talent contests the next morning. I judged both the junior and senior division. This must have been the year for "Snowstorms" and "Flash Parasols". Japanese acts took the major prizes in the adult division.
The Saturday night show again featured the Patriotic opening. The first year the Daytona Festival was held was 2001 and the weekend following September 11th. Harry and Irv have made this fact a recurring theme in every Saturday night show opening. After the awards, the show opened with the winner of the previous day's Adult talent Contest. This year it was the shapely Mika Hazuki with a well developed manipulation act.
Terry Seabrooke added some comedy bits as the evening's MC. He is clearly a very talented and funny man but the ancient Roman writer Ovid's advice, "Tempus edax rerum" ("Time, the devourer of all things") is apparent. He may go the way of George Burns and John Calvert in that their talent became less of a factor than their longevity. I know that if I survive to a very old age , I have no desire to be a geriatric freak show.
The second act of Saturday night's show opened with Fukai. Call him a doveless Shimada on steroids. Parasols of every shape and size appear. Confetti flies. His act is one display after another. It is visually spectacular and got a standing ovation from the largely magic crowd. Fielding West followed and closed the show with a comedy routine and lots of subtitle mystery.
West was also well received but possibly not quite as well as Fukai. Knowing magicians, I believe it is because they are convinced that they can buy all the props that Fukai uses and duplicate his act! (Indeed, the props in the contests the day before reflected this) It takes real talent and timing to come anywhere close to Fielding West's act. Plus, it takes his personality. So they laughed and applauded his talent. With Fukai, they applauded his prop demo.
I headed back home and was unable to attend the Sunday activities due to a booking . I look forward to the 2007 Festival.
Dennis Phillips
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Nov 06 - FAMULUS newsletter
Next general meeting Wednesday, 11/15/2006 at 7:30 PM SHARP
Meeting theme: Christmas Magic
Marks Street Center, 99 Mark Street, downtown Orlando
If you visit with us and do not know the room we meet in , please be aware that some of the people in the office at the Senior Center may not be aware we are meeting there! At the last meeting one visitor asked where the "IBM" was meeting and the management apparently thought they were asking for the International Business Machines group! They said that there was no "IBM" on the schedule. So, if you have never been to our ring meeting , please say "magicians" or "FAME" and if that doesn't get the room location , just walk around looking for us. The Senior Center is a public building.
Lunch meetings every Tuesday at noon at Goodings (next to the food court)
Website: www.ring170.com
F. A. M. E. is the Florida Association of Magical Entertainers
Harvey Brownlow, President - harvini@yahoo.com
James Songster, Vice President - JjTjMagic@aol.com
Dennis Phillips, Secretary - Dennis@alliedcostumes.com
Art Thomas, Treasurer- Art.Thomas@disney.com
Charlie Cox, Sgt. At Arms - charles_c2000@yahoo.com
Joe Vecciarelli, Director at Large - talkingmute@tampabay.rr.com
Stefan Bartelski, Editor Famulus - Famulus@illusioneer.com
Got an idea for an article to add to the next FAMULUS? Put it in the body of an email or in a Word document attached to an email. Send it to Famulus@illusioneer.com, and we will get you in print. Please, please, please, put Famulus in the subject of the email. Due to the high volumes of spam your messages are in danger of getting lost if you do not do so.
Nov 06 - From the Editor
I hope that those who were able to visit the Daytona Magic convention last weekend had a good time. Although is would be a little late, if anyone would like to write a review of the proceedings......
As many know my job takes me all over this great country of ours, and my current project has me visiting Denver. I would like to thank the Mile High Magicians for inviting me to their Bizarre Magic evening last month. It was a a thoroughly enjoyable evening with some excellent, but scary, magic.
Your Editor
Nov 06 - Ring Report
This Halloween season provided a great theme and fun meeting for the ring. Thirty members were present as President Harvey Brownlow brought the meeting to order.
We has two guests, Patrick Oliver and his fiancé, Ashley Fianse. In a generous gesture, Charlie Pfrogner made the announcement that he was donating video tapes of a number of classic magicians. Our Lecture Chairman, the hard working Craig Fennessey, announced a great lecture season is upcoming and he gave us a few names that will be lecturing to us in the future. The business meeting adjourned and Harvey was this month's MC for our ring show.
Ravelli lead off with an old favorite, the Chain Puzzle. Actually it is an old con game from the streets of a big city where a spectator can never guess where to put his finger in the loop of a chain. It is entertaining and a fooler. Charlie Pfrogner managed to create another trick for this month's meeting. We don't know how he does it!
This time he had a wonderful cure-all medicine elixir called "Icmag". It cleaned a table knife, restored hair, and dissolved all health troubles away. The bottle label even changed into "Magic" as it floated out of its box. Charlie enchanted us and left us guessing if medical insurance covered his new product.
Paula Large and Jerry Darkey demonstrated Paula's art skills in a delightful quick sketch routine where she transforms off shapes drawn by a spectator into their cartoon portrait (click here to view the caricatures). Finally she showed a cartoon montage that included a a drawing of everyone present! James and Joe talked about their adventures in Ohio working the renaissance festival and visiting with Ken Klosterman and seeing his magic collection. James showed the latest Tenyo trick where a dollar bill is put into a small origami box and survives. Mark Fitzgerald turned a $1 into a $100 bill and concluded with a nice Linking Ring routine using the magic words, "Hocus Pocus Chicken Bones Choke us!" . Wallace Murphy used a Crystal Silk Cylinder to produce Halloween candy and then did a skilled sleight-of-hand routine with candy pumpkins. They moved from hand to hand and finally all vanished.
Dan Stapleton presented a Halloween "Living and Dead Test" where a dead person's name was selected from a grid chart and when a napkin was touched with a match the dead person's name mysteriously burned into the napkin. Closing out the show was J.C. Hiatt. He had a spectator select a card and it suddenly became the largest card in the deck. He finished with his Spooky Halloween version of the Professor's Nightmare.
Following the show many of us made our way to the local watering hole for more fellowship and others went off to Trick or Treat! Be with us for our regular monthly meeting. Good things are always happening in Ring #170.
Dennis Phillips
Nov 06 - Support for a Harry Kellar Museum
be willing to endorse and support the concept of creating a Harry Kellar
Museum and Magic Hall of Fame in Erie Pennsyslvania,
Harry Kellar's birth place? I am NOT asking for any
financial donations. Just an expressed interest at
seeing this come to pass. If you would endorse this
idea, please email me privately. I am trying to
compile a large list of those in the magic community
that are in favor of this idea. If I can get a large
number of magicians supporting the concept over the
next couple of months, I will take their names to the
project organizer. He will then present it to those
the govenor, county executive and mayor. They will
then know there is a genuine interest in having this come
about. If they know that, then they will begin to
seriously consider giving seed money to make this
project a reality.
If you are in favor of this idea please email me back
so I can add your name to the list of current
Thomas McLaren
Capt. Magic Enterprises
Erie, Pennsylavania
Nov 06 - Request For Help Finding Roy Houston
I am trying to find our lost friend (Roy Houston).
When we moved from Orange County Calif. to Galveston Texas we lost track of him.
We met Roy at Abbotts Convension. We were assistants with the Ken Griffin Illusion Show. When Ken Griffins show folded we went with Phil Morris Wonderful World of fantasy Illusion Show in Canada. My Wife & I had a Juggling, Unicycle and Eccentric Dancing act. When the tour with Phil Morris ended we went with Roy's show in New England.
When Ken and Roberta Griffin passed away we lost track of everyone in the magic field.
If you know how to contact Roy PLEASE send us his Phone No, Address, Etc.
Contact us at
Jack & Betty DeHolt
1711 Ave. M.
Galveston, Texas 77550
Our Phone No. Is 409 763-4525
Jack DeHolt
[Editors note: Please contact Jack directly if you can help him, at the email address above. Sending me any information will only slow things down]
Nov 06 - Ring 175 December to Remember
Location: Lion's Eye Institute in Ybor City
1410 North 21st Street, Tampa
Festivities will begin with a Close-Up Magic Show at 5:00PM, followed by a catered dinner buffet from Latam Restaurant. After dinner everyone will be treated to a FANTASTIC Gala Magic Show. There will also be drawings for special prizes and a magic poster exhibit. WOW!
Cost is ONLY $15 per person (What a BARGAIN) and $7.50 for children 6-12.
CONTACT Ken Spanola for Reservations and/or Directions: 813-885-2449
Nov 06 - Book reviews
No Applause, Just Throw Money
In either Genii or Magic Magazine last fall (I can’t remember which), one of the columnists recommended a book on Vaudeville called, “No Applause, Just Throw Money” by Trav S. D. While it is not a book on magic it is a book on the history of show business and it was Vaudeville that gave rise to Houdini. Much of the book is dry but there are some very entertaining sections. From medieval times until the late 1800’s actors and entertainers were looked down on and shunned by respectable people. Shakespeare gives an unflattering image of a traveling entertainer, a mountebank, in “The Comedy of Errors” calling him a lean faced villain; a juggler; a living dead man; a conjurer.
When John Jacob Astor purchased the Park Theatre in 1806 in NYC he outfitted it with special accommodations for hookers where gentlemen could meet them and set up their own appointments. Astor’s competitors all followed suite and for decades no theater was without such a facility. Show business was not for wives and families! The person that changed this and made entertainment acceptable was non other than P. T. Barnum.
In the 1840’s Barnum set up a “lecture room” on the second floor of his American Museum which he gradually transformed into a theater introducing the performing arts to a class of people who otherwise would never set foot in such a disreputable place. He found that if his “lectures” included juggling exhibitions, or magic or ventriloquism he would sell more tickets. But unlike the theaters of the day Barnum sold no liquor and objectionable people were thrown out. He promised “innocent amusements” and to attract women and children he offered the first matinees in town. This “lecture room” was the undeniable precursor to Vaudeville.
The book traces the rise and death of Vaudeville and the details the lives of both the “characters” that entertained as well as those that created and ran the thousands of venues. Oscar Hammerstein (grandfather of the song writer by the same name), a theater owner and promoter made a mint on an act that has gone down in theatrical lore as the most horrible ever seen on a vaudeville stage. Touted at the time as “The worst act in America”, the Cherry Sisters, as a sheer spectacle were on par with a boating accident. To make matters more entertaining they had no idea that they were that bad. Oscar’s son Willie invented the freak act, which included not only Rahja the snake charmer from Coney Island but tabloid headline acts like the “Shooting Stars” Ethel Conrad and Lillian Graham, so called because they’d actually shot a guy named Web Stokes.
Most vaudevillians dropped out of school at a young age yet George Jessel is said to have dazzled Cardinal Spellman with many biblical quotes. Spellman asked, “You’re a Jew, you never went to school. Where’d you learn all of that?” Jessel told him that in his vaudeville days while waiting in hotels for his nightly get together with a hooker, he’d thumb through the Gideon Bible!
While vaudeville died as movie houses grew, many of the stars lived on to star in movies, radio and television. Burns and Allen, Bob Hope, Cab Calloway, Jack Benny, Ed Wynn, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Will Rogers, the Marx Brother, the Three Stooges, Mae West, W.C. Fields, James Cagney, Cary Grant, Walter Pigeon, and Henry Fonda were all vaudevillians.
The book is a great story about our country’s only purely indigenous theatrical form.
The Vernon Touch
Dai Vernon wrote an article for Genii Magazine from September 1968 until December 1990. All of those articles are now in one book, “The Vernon Touch”. It is a fascinating read, all about magic and magicians during the last half of the last century. Vernon talks about many promising young magicians, who have now gone on to be greats. He also talks about many magicians, who I never had a chance to see or meet who are now no long with us.
Vernon also wrote about some Orlando club members. The March 1974 (that’s 32 years ago) article says. “At my age I should be contented to remain quietly here in Hollywood at the Magic Castle. However, when Bev Bergeron called me from Orlando, Florida and asked me to attend their convention, I simply could not refuse. The Langford Motel was an ideal place for the many activities. One of the events was a talk show conducted by Bev. He interviewed Inez Kitchen, Burling Hull, and yours truly. Before leaving Orlando, I spent time at the beautiful home of Ben Walters, He and Dick Randall drove me in style to catch my plane.”
Then in the April 1974 article Vernon wrote about Bev, “I was tickled to death to see the wonderful job he has done down there with Disneyworld. I think he’s set for life! Bev is certainly a hard industrious worker and deserves all the successes he is receiving. He did a great job on the convention. I had a wonderful time.”
There are many nuggets in the book, like the one above, and it is an interesting walk down a magical memory lane.
Gary Adams
Nov 06 - Caricatures by Paula Large
Nov 06 - Hometown Heroes
The theme for the evening was "The Magic of Habitat". The table decor was black, white and red with black and white magician's top hats as center pieces.
Magicians from both Rings, including J.C. Hyatt, Nicholas Tangredi, Mark Fitzgerald, Bill Terry, Jim Moody & Lee Langer, worked the tables, doing close up magic, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. While Joe Veccarelli, James Songster and Roger Reid performed "stand up" magic on a small platform in front of the large crowd that gathered.
The Central Florida World Clowns provided both balloon sculpting and face painting in relays over the 3 hours of the event. Balloon sculpting duties were performed by Snickerdoodle, Diamond Jim, Handy Dandy, Charity, Candy Cane, and Twist. Face painting was done by Jingles, Kluts, Jackie, Pinkey, Toot, Tapper, Sasha, Bon Bon, Zaney and Glee.
All Magicians and Clowns were treated to dinner provided by
Outback Steakhouse, and received a "Magic of Habitat" T-Shirt, from event chairperson Denise Chernoff, as a "Thank You" for volunteering.
Roger Reid
Nov 06 -Dennis' Deliberations
Dennis: Hello
Client: Mr.. Phillips, I am (name withheld for legal purposes) and I heard that you are a very good magician. We have a mutual friend who saw your act.
I have a luncheon for about 50 people and I want to find out what you would charge to do a 30 minute show and we would like for you to bring your girl assistant and maybe put her in a box and vanish her or something. What do you charge?
Dennis: Thank you for the compliment! May I ask where and what time this event is and who it is for?
Client: It is in (location ) and it is for the (lawyer's organization). I am an attorney in (city). The luncheon is Friday at Noon on the 27th of October.
Dennis: Oh in (city) ? ( A pretty good drive) And my daughter Sara and my wife Cindy are my assistants. We do a cute effect called , "The Indian Sword basket" It is one of the oldest illusions in the world. I will also do my nite club act. My fee would be $250. (okay, I considerably lowballed it because the reference he gave who saw my show is a good friend of my wife )
Client: Wow! that much?
Dennis: If you want to pay less, would you like to just have me come alone?
Client: No. It is just that...uhhh $250 for 30 minutes ? That is $500 an hour! I am a lawyer here and all I make is $105 an hour.
Dennis: You know ( name) when I was the highest paid lawyer in your town that is all I made too!
Client: You were an attorney here?
Dennis: You didn't get my joke?
Client: Oh! Sheez , a wise guy?
Dennis: Yes, an expensive one at that. $500 an hour! Catch ya later, Pal.... You can't afford me! (I slammed down the phone) CLICK!
After I hung up and cussed a little, I was angry that I had lowballed the guy, I don't need the grief about my fee from a lawyer that makes $105 an hour!
Here is a goodie from the Canada:
The Wikipedia Philosophy Towards Magic Exposure by Larry Thornton
Dennis told me about the blatant exposure of David Copperfield's Flying Illusion in Google's Video, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5726537828765374451&q=David+Copperfield&hl=en complete with animated drawings. I decided to check out Wikipedias "exposures" of magic. Here are just ten that I found. There could possibly be dozens of such magic "spoiler warnings" (their term), or maybe hundreds. After ten, I quit looking.
Wikipedia tries to explain....
1) Copperfield's Statue of Liberty Vanish
3) Sawing a Woman in Half (various methods in illustrated form)
4) The King Rising Levitation
5) Balducci Levitation
6) Elevator Levitation
This article "exposes" the trick only by rattling on about a "gimmick" being used, but essentially says nothing. There's even a video clip included of something called "Loughran's Elevator 2".
7) Paul Harris's Sooperman levitation, explained in one of his books and said to be a variation of the Balducci, and sold as a simplified version under the name of Wild Levitation
8) A oddball (by my thinking) levitation called Mike Brent's Zero Gravity, said to be an offshoot of Balducci
9) The Chinese Linking Rings (standard version with eight rings)
10) The Cups and Balls
A long-winded "explanation", minus any illustrations, including an explanation of the Chop Cup, said to have been invented by Al Wheatley in 1954. What this sort of convoluted exposure is designed to accomplish, is anybody's guess.
THE INCREDIBLE IRONY IN ALL OF THIS, is that in a comprehensive article on the art of magic, the Wikipedia states:
Membership in professional magicians' organizations often requires an oath not to reveal the secrets of magic to non-magicians. This is known as the "Magician's Oath".
The Magician's Oath (though it may vary, 'The Oath' takes the following, or similar form):
"As a magician I promise to never reveal the secret of any illusion to a non-magician, without first swearing them to the Magician's Oath. I promise never to perform any illusion for any non-magician, without first practicing the effect until I can perform it well enough to maintain the illusion of magic".
The Wikipedia article then tells us:
Once sworn to The Oath, one is considered a magician, and is expected to live up to this promise. A magician who reveals a secret, either purposely or through insufficient practice, may typically find themselves without any magicians willing to teach them more secrets. - End of Quote The article then tells us (I'm paraphrasing here) that it is okay for a magician to reveal secrets to people with a sincere interest in magic who are most likely to become magicians themselves.
The "irony" lies in the bizarre fact that it is said magicians are asked (by their organizations) NOT to reveal secrets, and yet it's fair game for Wikipedia and any other non-magicians to reveal magic's secrets to the public at large. Journalists and columnists do it all the time. Sometimes these "exposures" (Wikipedia has examples) amount to little more than blatant guessing, as in the case of the Statue of Liberty vanish, but all too often magic's methods are 'stolen' directly from magic's own literature.
And speaking of "literature", Wikipedia further states [quote ] "The secrets of almost all tricks are available to the public through numerous books and magazines devoted to magic, available from the specialized magic trade."
Now there is a bit of a misnomer here: that almost all tricks are "available TO the public" even thought they come from books and magazines not officially released for public consumption. We have to ask the common-sense question: Do we see any or all of the magic books and magician's trade magazines out on public magazine or book store shelves? NO! Magic's literature is designed specifically and exclusively for "the specialized magic trade". That it can be accessed by a determined public that has to go to the bother of actually searching for it, is beside the point. Granted, many a street magic shop is open to the public and features such books and magazines, but it is a stretch to assert that just because a non-magician can get hold of such literature "if they have a mind to", then all of magic's secrets are in the public domain. Is this what makes them think that the exposure of magic online is no longer unethical? Perhaps it is a fine point, but I take strong objection to the oblique suggestion here, that because magic's literature makes it possible for a determined public to learn any secret, then that makes it perfectly okay to reveal the secrets in a wildly popular online encyclopedia such as Wikipedia.
Any possible legal issues are beyond the scope of this article and knowledge of its author, but I would just like to present this much of the argument as "food for thought". I encourage any constructive feedback. You can send your comments to mail@wizardlarry.com if you have anything pertinent to say on the matter.
- Larry Thornton (Calgary, Alberta, CANADA)
Larry and I ponder over the future of the magical arts as we know them when a few clicks on the Internet will reveal any magic secret you want to know. Moreover, psychologically sick people who resent or are jealous of the popularity of a magical artist will set up websites revealing methods for everything that is done.
Many of David Blaine's effects from his early shows are explained on this site http://www.vkmag.com/media/david_blaines_magic_revealed.pdf .
Please don't E-Mail me and tell me that I am a hypocrite. This newsletter is distributed only to people that are interested in magic. I find it interesting that a magician can walk into a brick and mortar magic shop and be confronted with far more secrecy than is faced by anyone merely typing into Google!
As Kurt Vonnegut often said in Slaughterhouse Five, "And so it goes".
Dennis Phillips
Monday, October 09, 2006
FAMULUS - October 2006
Next general meeting Wednesday, 10/18/2006 at 7:30 PM SHARP
Meeting theme: Halloween Magic (what else?)
Marks Street Center, 99 Mark Street, downtown Orlando
If you visit with us and do not know the room we meet in , please be aware that some of the people in the office at the Senior Center may not be aware we are meeting there! At the last meeting one visitor asked where the "IBM" was meeting and the management apparently thought they were asking for the International Business Machines group! They said that there was no "IBM" on the schedule. So, if you have never been to our ring meeting , please say "magicians" or "FAME" and if that doesn't get the room location , just walk around looking for us. The Senior Center is a public building.
Lunch meetings every Tuesday at noon at Goodings (next to the food court)
Website: www.ring170.com
F. A. M. E. is the Florida Association of Magical Entertainers
Harvey Brownlow, President - harvini@yahoo.com
James Songster, Vice President - JjTjMagic@aol.com
Dennis Phillips, Secretary - Dennis@alliedcostumes.com
Art Thomas, Treasurer- Art.Thomas@disney.com
Charlie Cox, Sgt. At Arms - charles_c2000@yahoo.com
Joe Vecciarelli, Director at Large - talkingmute@tampabay.rr.com
Stefan Bartelski, Editor Famulus - Famulus@illusioneer.com
Got an idea for an article to add to the next FAMULUS? Put it in the body of an email or in a Word document attached to an email. Send it to Famulus@illusioneer.com, and we will get you in print. Please, please, please, put Famulus in the subject of the email. Due to the high volumes of spam your messages are in danger of getting lost if you do not do so.
From the Editor
Ring Report Ring #170 The Bev Bergeron Ring
We had one guest, David . David was a member 15 years ago, then moved away, now we welcome him back. We look forward to his performances and added magic to our club.
Bev Bergeron gave a report on the IBM convention Miami which took place the last week of June. Please note: daily details of the convention can be found at Stefan Bartelski's blog site: illusioneer.blogspot.com. Bev MC'ed the opening night show and was hilarious as usual. Tony Dunn came up out of the audience to do a funny rope bit with frazzled Bev. All performances were at the Theatre downtown Miami which was a rich piece of Italian looking architecture whereby the ceiling was a dome giving the illusion that we were outside under the stars. Very appropriate. More of our very own Floridians who performed were Vince Carmen from Sarasota, Terry Ward from Orlando whose Italian character is noted by peers in his profession to be impeccable, Jack Kodel and wife Mary who gave a nice discourse, and John Eaken MC'ed one night.
As of July 1st, our ring is doing a membership campaign chaired by Steve Hart. If a person joins before July 1st he/she gets a $50 coupon. There are incentives for sponsoring someone, too.
We are all reminded that as responsible entertainers we should all have insurance on our business. IBM national has an offer that you can't top: for only $111 (income less than $25,000) you can be insured for $1,000,000. It runs from August to August.
Dan Stapleton will give a fantastic lecture that will impact all entertainers, not just clowns, at the Clown Alley Troop 158.
The 1st annual Carat Conference, put on by Terry and Jim Whaples, was a success and positive impact on teachers and performers who wanted to broaden their creativity.
Our ring members are working. Mark Fitzgerald is doing close-up at several high dollar restaurants, Ravelli is a regular at Celebration, Gaylord Palms, LBV Mariott, Café Tu Tu Tango, and others, Jacki Manna celebrates life at Ian's birthday, Zoe's birthday, Jordan's birthday, Chad's birthday...ok you get the picture, many birthdays every weekend.
Our performer's night was great! Jerry Darky MC’ed the show and introduced Bev Bergeron who did a Karrell Fox trick with 4 imp bottles that would not stay laying down except when Bev touched them. Then he did a floating hanky trick called "Guts" appropriately named because it takes guts to do this trick so close to the volunteer.
Kerry Pierce continued the fun with cool rope tricks: he showed how to tie ropes without letting go of the ends, produced knots on ropes with a snap of the wrist, told the story about his shoe laces and how Mom could double knot them but he could always make the knots disappear, and the made loops that dropped to 3 knots when he took a step forward. Mark Fitzgerald dazzled us with coin productions and vanishes. He took 4 half dollars and a couple of cards for a classic and polished routine: the Matrix . He then did the same effect but with Liberty Silver dollars and without the cards! Coin-tastic!
Steve Hart presented a beautiful silk dollar. He asked, "How much money are you suppose to spend on advertising?" the answer: 20% The question is, where? radio? TV? print? The silk was rolled up in a newspaper and what do you think? It disappeared like our money.
Dan Stapleon called 2 volunteers to help with a very unique card trick. He pointed out that a regular drinking glass is very useful, and in this case, it will find a chosen card! After the 2 chosen cards were shown to the audience, the deck was cut several times and Dan looked through the glass to eliminate groups of cards. I thought he was Captain Jack Sparrow from the movie "Pirates" looking through a magnifying glass on a treasure map. Of course he found the cards. He repeated the procedure but instead of looking through the glass, he "listened" through the glass to "look" for the card. Pay attention or you’ll miss it: the glass disappeared but then he found the glass under the table with the chosen card in it!
The trick of Sight and Sound. Jacki Manna was up next with a riveting stand up routine that introduced her partner in crime, Eddie (who will make a stunning appearance at next month’s meeting, don’t miss it). She was funny, fabulous, and could be famous! Wallace Murphy amazed us with his beautifully polished card routines: he produced the 4 aces and then changed them all to Jacks (he learned the trick in Jacksonville- okay , that was the punchline), and then spread the deck out face down. The only face up card was the ace of diamonds which a volunteer had chosen earlier in the routine. Josh the Great from Daytona Magic was gracious enough to visit our ring and display wonderful products in which many of our members invested. A beautiful 6’ x 6’ silk was auctioned off and Dan Stapleton outbid everyone. Josh demonstrated several tricks and even a ventriloquial puppet that can be used to perform a prediction trick. We really appreciated Josh coming all that way to serve us!
Good things always happening at the FAME ring. But it’s not complete without you! So next month, be here!
Jacki Manna
Bev will be on The Road Again
Back by Oct. 26th.
That's right REBO himself direct from the Magic Land of Alakazam the Magic Circus, national television appearances with Red Skelton, Lucy Ball, Jack Benny, Johnny Carson, and 15 years of performances at the Diamond Horseshow Review in Disney World and many many more! Early national television fame as REBO on The Magic Land of Allakazam (CBS and ABC-TV), as well as over 16,000 shows. Writer of books and material for the top magicians of the world; creator and inventor of major illusions and hundreds of magic effects.
Author of two books: Tony Marks - Aristocrat of Deception, the first time disclosure of a famous act with details of his magic and his life; and Willard the Wizard, a thoroughly researched look into early 20th century magic shows which has been used by the Smithsonian Institution.
Producer of two videos on magic and the art of clowning.
Dennis' Deliberations
I am secretary of the Chester Guild of Magicians in England. One of our members has been to your club a couple of times when holidaying in Orlando and has said how welcome he was made on both occasions. He suggested any magicians on holiday in the area should make an effort to attend.Unfortunately, he had a heart attack a few weeks ago and has now sadly died. His name is Brian Mills and went under the stage name of Brioni.I don't know if Brian had any particular friends at your club, but as he had spoken so highly of yourselves, I thought I would let you know this information about his death so you can pass it on.
Stephen Cooil stevecooil@themagician.demon.co.uk
I guess we never know how many people appreciate our Ring hospitality.
Rest in peace, Brian.
Brian did a good job for us in perfoming. He did jog loose an old memory for me.
Every once in a while all of us wand wielders sit though a magic show that is so awful, so revolting and so stomach turning that we leave the performance and want to rush home and burn our equipment. At best, we have to spend all the drive back home with our spouse explaining how the show wasn’t really all that bad.
One of my most memorable stories was when I lived in the Carolinas in the early 70s. Back then, a person could make a fair living doing magic for school shows, service club shows, Cub Scout meetings and birthday parties. The hills of Western North Carolina were filled with little mill towns and each town had its own industrial company and community spirit.
One such enterprising performer was a bit of a local legend in that area. For purposes of this story let me call him Luke Porter. That is not his real name because I have every desire to let the dead rest in peace. His wife was Opal. Luke was a rather rotund character with thinning gray hair on the sides and patches of hair in the middle. His face was deeply wrinkled and resembled fifty miles of bad road ahead. He had a pencil thin moustache. His massive hands looked like they belonged to a plumber. In fact, his whole personage resembled a country plumber and that would be complete with a big potbelly and a belt that allowed it to hang over. Luke wore a tailcoat outfit that had been homemade by Opal. The store-bought black pants did not match the shade of black on the tailcoat! The tailcoat had actually been constructed by cutting down a black suit coat and merely tacking on tails made from black cloth. Are you getting the idea that this was not a class act?
Opal was very grandmotherly. Her gown was homemade out of lavender satin and she barely fit into it. It was sleeveless and allowed a generous hanging slab of arm flesh to flop around. She wore loads of powder that accented her wrinkles and bright red lipstick that was the popular shade in 1954. Luke had a bit of a speech defect and could not say the sound of “r” very well. He also had a curious shaking in his hands. He moved like a plodding elephant. To his credit he did have a warm smile and enjoyed what he was doing even though he was clueless as to how bad he looked and acted in front of the audience.
Luke and Opal traveled to shows with their son-in-law, Theodore. “Theo” was very thin country fellow about 40 years old. He had a receding chin and a bit of an overbite. His eyes were droopy and nose long. He wore a baby blue velvet sport coat that was two sizes too big and white pants and shoes and a long paisley necktie. Theodore was a frustrated Pentecostal evangelist. He had all the hand motions and staccato speech pattern with a deep breath between every 3 words. Theo carried props on and off stage and did his own specialty act in the show. I will have more to say about that act in a moment.
They rode and carried their props in a converted step van, better known to most people as a bread truck. It had been painted white with a brush and not a sprayer. Luke had free hand lettered the name of his show on the side. It said, “Luke and Opal Magic Shows. The best in magic shows. Call 704- xxxx” (The numbers ran down hill, as did the whole lettering. It looked like a sign for a garage sale) .
Luke made almost every prop in the show. He must not have known about such things as sandpaper or a carpenter’s square or putting an undercoat on plywood before he painted it. He made an attempt at creating a fabric backdrop by using plumber’s pipe. The backdrop fabric had huge gashes in it. After the show I asked him about the gashes and he said, “It allows the wind to go through it so it doesn’t blow over when we do outside shows”. His stage lighting was a pair of outdoor floodlights mounted on a square of plywood that sat on the flood.
The show opened with a very scratchy instrumental theme playing on a phonograph record. Luke plodded out and tried to do the gloves to spring flowers. He tossed the gloves into the air and they fell to the floor as he was trying to get the spring flower packet to open. Bautier DeKolta, the inventor of spring flowers, would have had a stroke watching this. The show went downhill from there. With a combination of U.F. Grant magic and home built props, Luke managed to get more groans and moans than applause.
His audience participation bits with children were painful. When talking to the children he used “baby-talk”. This was not received well by a 10-year-old boy. Luke attempted to do Grant’s Devil Canister. Recall that this is a tin can about the size of a can of green beans. It had a wick with lighter fluid around the top inside edge. A secret metal tube was spot welded down the middle and the tube opened at the bottom. So to make a wedding ring disappear in the flames, you light the wick and drop the ring in the center of the can. It can safely fall down inside the tube into the middle into the palm of your hand where you could palm it off and load it to another prop. At least this is how it is supposed to happen.
This is the wrong trick to do with a 10-year-old boy. The kid did not have a ring and had to borrow one from his Mom. She was not about to let her wedding ring be used by the idiot
magician on stage. After arguing she relents. Luke lit the Canister and dropped in the ring and it fell out of his palm and onto the floor. He begged, “Opal, can you get the ring for me? Oh Opal!” The mother was furious, the audience was laughing and 65-year-old Opal was on her hands and knees searching the floor. Suddenly, we became aware of the flaming canister as Luke cried out, ‘Oh Jesus, is this hot!” Now the flaming canister fell on the floor as Luke winced in pain. Opal found the ring and Luke did a clumsy sleight and passed it off to Opal who loaded it into a gigantic sized nest of boxes -For a small ring?
Luke’s stage tables were 3 TV snack trays and a card table with one bent leg. After a few more fiascos it was time for a special word from Theodore. Theo came out holding an easel with a half completed cartoon. He began adding parts to the drawing with a magic marker. His patter seemed odd! “Friends, if you died tonight are you sure where you would be?” He went on to sketch a Christian Cross and give his testimony. As he talked his rhythm got faster, he began to sharply inhale between each word. “ And –uh- I –uh-am here-uh-to tell you-uh, oh glorah, that He can save ya! And I-uh- can tell you-uh that if your life is filled with alkie-haul- uh- and you need victory-uh…” I did not object to the sermon but I did feel it was inappropriate for an audience that was there to be entertained. However in fairness to Luke, this was in western North Carolina, just under the buckle of the Bible belt, and fifty miles east of where the snake-handling churches were. Theodore finished and dragged his easel off stage.
Luke and Opal and Theodore finished up their act with more Grant magic and a rabbit vanish. After the show, while Theo and Opal were backing the props, Luke came out to shake hands with the crowd. He recognized me from seeing me on the local TV children’s show. He grabbed my hand and almost shook it off. We exchanged a few niceties.
That was a different day and a different age. That type of magic show could not play today. Luke made a living. He stayed busy. To be honest with you, most of the people that watched his show were adequately amused and entertained. Their level of expectation was much lower than today with 500 channels available by satellite TV.
All the way home my wife kept saying, “Why do you drag me to these things? I deflected the questions with, “ Tell you what, honey, tomorrow night lets go see the new Paul Newman movie, “The Sting’.
These are some memories from so long ago.
Dennis Phillips
Monday, September 11, 2006
FAMULUS - September 2006
Next general meeting Wednesday, 09/20/2006 at 7:30 PM SHARP
Meeting theme: Card-less Magic
Marks Street Center, 99 Mark Street, downtown Orlando
If you visit with us and do not know the room we meet in , please be aware that
some of the people in the office at the Senior Center may not be aware we are
meeting there! At the last meeting one visitor asked where the "IBM" was meeting
and the management apparently thought they were asking for the International
Business Machines group! They said that there was no "IBM" on the schedule. So,
if you have never been to our ring meeting , please say "magicians" or "FAME" and
if that doesn't get the room location , just walk around looking for us. The Senior
Center is a public building.
Lunch meetings every Tuesday at noon at Goodings (next to the food court)
Website: www.ring170.com
F. A. M. E. is the Florida Association of Magical Entertainers
Harvey Brownlow, President - harvini@yahoo.com
James Songster, Vice President - JjTjMagic@aol.com
Dennis Phillips, Secretary - Dennis@alliedcostumes.com
Art Thomas, Treasurer- Art.Thomas@disney.com
Charlie Cox, Sgt. At Arms - charles_c2000@yahoo.com
Joe Vecciarelli, Director at Large - talkingmute@tampabay.rr.com
Stefan Bartelski, Editor Famulus - Famulus@illusioneer.com
Got an idea for an article to add to the next FAMULUS? Put it in the
body of an email or in a Word document attached to an email. Send it
to Famulus@illusioneer.com, and we will get you in print.
Please, please, please, put Famulus in the subject of the email. Due to the high volumes of spam your messages are in danger of getting lost if you do not do so.
From the Editor
Ring Report IBM Ring #170 "The Bev Bergeron Ring"
Twenty one members showed up for the meeting that was conducted by Vice-President James Songster sitting in for President Harvey Brownlow.
Lecture chair and video librarian Craig Fennessey gave a report on future lectures in the ring. Bev Bergeron is doing well after his therapeutic adventures with the medical system. Comments were positive on the new theatrical film, "The Illusionist". We hope this revives interest in classic magic and illusions. Comments were also positive on Chuck Smith's new "Enigma the DVD" magic magazine. Chuck was with us for the meeting. He is a man of many talents in the video production area as well as magic. Several club members can be seen and heard on the DVD. Chuck's concept is the wave of the future in the magic publishing business.
Jim and Terry Waples gave a preview of their clown convention. The convention will feature all allied arts as well as Christian ministry presentations.
Dollie's Comedy Shop has opened in the International Drive area and comedy magician John Ferrentino will be appearing as part of the entertainment.
With the business portion of the meeting concluded the monthly ring show began with James Songster as Master of Ceremonies.
First up was Terry Waples. Terry presented a cute effect with business cards called "Perfect match" and she again invited everyone to the clown convention she is presenting.
Charlie Pfrogner, Mr.Originality, presented another of his creations. A bag with ribbons a a clear marble vanished. The bag then changed colors a few times. A wand and silks were then produced from the bag. Finally the marble reappeared with a silk that said, "The End". How Charlie comes up with such clever routines is as much a mystery as his unique tricks.
Dan Stapleton presented a mentalism effect he developed during his years as a top-notch cruise ship entertainer. Six slips of a paper were passed to people that Dan did not know. They wrote their names on the paper. A spectator selected one of the papers that were cleverly strung on a strip of masking tape. Dan burned the paper and rubbed the ashes on his arm and the name of the spectator appeared on his arm. Roger Reid invited a spectator to help him and he did a slick Jarden Ellis ring routine with a handkerchief using the spectator's thumb as the ring holder.
Finally closing out the show, VP James Songster and Director at Large, Joe Vecchiarelli , showed their version of "making it snow". They had created a clever routine and developed the device to help them with the paper snow storm. They gave credit to several ring members who helped them create the routine and the prop.
Even though many of the ring members are old hands at magic we always learn something new from the monthly ring show.
With the show concluded, we all went back out into the warm August night. If you are in Orlando on vacation please join us because good things are always happening in Ring 170.
Dennis Phillips
Request for help
Mark Duva is one of our Best suppliers (Murphys magic) and has been keeping us updated to the all new effects AND THIS TYPE OF INJUSTICE!!!!.
Please: Take a look at this, and please send them your comments . I also would like this to be Posted on the RING WEB SITE, SO ALL OF US THAT WANT TO, CAN LET THEM KNOW WHAT WE THINK AND TO GIVE THEM A PIECE OF OUR MINDS!!!! We need to help try to stop this from happening, I am hoping the ring feels the same way!!.
Ok so here is a REALLY BAD IDEA, Please take a look at this bad site. These guys could really impact our industry in the most negative way. What they are setting out to do is to expose all secrets of magic to any one willing to join their “club” and single handedly do away with all of the secret and mystery in magic. This will also do away with all interest and need for Magicians, performers, store owners, magic instructors. Who will need to buy magic to learn how a trick works, when you can pay a nominal fee, and learn everything? At the bottom of the page is a link to email comments to them.
Please take the time to tell them what YOU really think. Please ask some of your customers to tell them what they think as well.
Marc Duva
In the News
-click here to view-
Magicians for Habitat for Humanity's "Hometown Heroes"
Habitat needs magicians to donate their time to perform "walk around" magic table to table and "stand up" performers to work a small stage at various times during the evening.
You will work no more than 1 hour of the 3 1/2 hour event. You will receive 2 tickets for family and friends (valued at $150), dinner provided by Outback Steakhouse, wine and beer, an event T-shirt and a chance to hand out business cards to many of the 1700 people who will attend. Your name will be included in the program along with your fellow members of IBM Ring 170 who volunteer.
You may volunteer for the event by sending your name, telephone number and e-mail to bonzo1114a@aol.com. Please let us know if you prefer to do "close-up" or "stand-up" so that we may make hourly assignments. You may volunteer by filling out the form at the next Ring 170 meeting on Sept 20.
One Day Convention Planned
Show is in a fantastic theater. I would guess some of you might be interested. Please ask at the next meeting and let me know PLEASE.
Jim Hall (email)
Mind Games coming
Also coming to the same theatre is a show called "Snowflakes". An old boss of mine, Gale LaJoye is the performer and the show looks wonderful. Not magic as we know it but the show is truly "magical". A one-man show of mime and true theatre. Gale was clown boss at Circus World and was my boss when I had the Theatre of Illusion Show there. He presented a one-man show at Rollins college in his early development show and that was great. But to take a show like Snowflakes to the King Center...it HAS to be good. Don't miss it. It will really make you feel good. Snowflakes will be in Jan. also...I think. Will let you now more about both shows later.
Dan Stapleton
SUBJECT: LECTURE (for Ring 258)
DATE: September 28, 2006
TIME: 7:15PM
LOCATION: Lil Anthony's Pizza / Meeting room.
1690 Citrus Blvd. (HIWAYS 27/441) In Leesburg.
You do not want to miss this lecture. He will be presenting close-up and stand-up routines for all to perform.
Lee Langer
Roger L. Reid
For Sale By Richard Hewitt
They are a large mirror box for a rabbit production and a large flip over box for a rabbit vanish.
The price is $100 for everything and I will bring it to the next ring meeting! Call Richard Hewitt 386 740 9777
Dennis' Deliberations
But the big project for the Summer was helping illusionist Mark O'Brien stage his novel magic-drama stage show, "Walking Through Fires" at the Atlantic Theater
in Jacksonville. Photos from the stage show can be seen on line at http://www.fmptajax.org/EventPhotos/WalkingThroughFire.htm
To refresh your memory a bit about Mark O'Brien: He appeared as the closing illusion act at our Ring Banquet a couple of years. Mark is in his mid 40s and has been around the show-business block a few times. He was a frequent performer during the late 80s and early 90s on Nickelodeon Network productions taped here in town when they were doing production, he has done cruise ships, did a season at Busch Gardens in Tampa in the Stanleyville Theater and was two seasons at Fort Fun in Germany.
An extensive listing of his career can be seen at http://markobrienproductions.com/
Mark was on the fast track to establishing a solid and stable career as a mid-tier illusionist.
Then in the Summer of 1999 as he was negotiating for his business plan for a magic theater on International Drive to come to flower, two large storage buildings on the back of his 3 acre property in North Orlando , filled with almost a half-million dollars of uninsured illusion props, caught fire. They were heavily damaged. The fire marshal could not find any obvious unintentional ignition source and declared the fire "suspicious". It appeared that the sheds were intentionally torched. Unbelievably just one week later, both sheds again caught fire and were totally destroyed.
In spite of evidence that suggested that the fires were intentionally set, the case was not exhaustively investigated by fire officials. At this point the story gets downright spooky! O'Brien hired 2 private investigators and they uncovered a lot oof seeming linkages between O'Brien's Orlando business rivals and the only individuals that knew that O'Brien had his props stored at his home compound. As the investigation was coming to a high point, O'Brien's private investigators were arrested for impersonating police officers and the FBI. Events around the arrest were not clear.
The whole of the events surrounding the fires and the private investigator's arrest ended without O'Brien ever clear on who, why and how he was burned out.
O'Brien was convinced he was burned out by show business enemies and competitors. Other remote possibilities included neighbors angry that he had his leopard housed on his property and young neighborhood vandals.
As a result of the fires, O'Brien's career was stalled just at the time the country was headed for the early 2000 Hi-Tech economic downturn and the trauma of the 9-11 terrorism. He recovered some of his momentum and continued to perform but began devoting more time to profitable business efforts outside of performing illusions. He did a stint as a successful Trade Show coordinator. He also became a successful licensed professional private eye doing arson and insurance fraud cases.
The Jacksonville production was a part of the fulfillment of Mark O'Brien's goal to get his bizarre story and the resulting injustice into a film. The feature film will include several sequences from his "Walking through Fires" stage show. So, to get those sequences, O'Brien created the theatrical play with illusions and magic built into it.
"Walking Through Fires" is set as a trial in a courtroom. The judge sits elevated behind her bench on the right side of the stage. Large gear cogs suggest the "wheels of justice". O'Brien is the plaintiff and is suing the system for failing him in its investigation and handling of the fires. The system is defended by Samuel Stone, a defender of the system who is annoyed at O'Brien for pointing out the failures of the system. O'Brien's personal attorney is "Justine Justice" a bubbly prosecutor standing up for O'Brien.
The show opens with O'Brien being produced from a wooden crate that explodes after being wheeled around and shown empty. You may recall this illusion from the Ring banquet show two years ago. There is a transition and we find that O'Brien is actually performing for the court. Extended courtroom dialogue then explains the charges that O'Brien is bringing to the court against the "system". Mark also included some interesting video clips to explain the story line. Small magic that is woven into the storyline includes the Cups and balls, Cardographic, Anderson's Newspaper Tear and Perfect Time. Act one ends with O'Brien laying on a psychiatrist's couch and being covered and levitated and vanished in classic Asrah fashion.
The second act opens with a video montage of Mark O'Brien performing on Nickelodeon TV and other important trade show and cruise ship venues. He then performs live the Metamorphosis in a fast 1970s Doug Henning style. The courtroom drama continues and is broken by video montages and a novel sequence that features a very artistic version of The Artist's Dream and O'Brien's original creation, "The Split Image". Jim Steinmeyer gave honor to Mark's "Split Image" in the manuscript to "Modern Art". When O'Brien is remembered in the magic world, he will be forever linked with his clever "Split Image". The effect is similar to "Modern Art" but much more complex and baffling. The doors are opened on the front and back of each cabinet section and it is obvious that the assistant is not in a Zig-Zag or Modern Art type twisting position.
The finale to the show is a scene where Mark's attorney, Justine Justice, is tied into a DeKolta Chair and O'Brien is chained in a coffin-like box by the defense attorney, Samuel Stone and two giant twin buzz saw blades cut into the box. Mark does a double exchange with Stone and Justine Justice disappears from the DeKolta Chair.
The show did a fairly good box office considering the remote beach location of the theater and the limited advertising budget. This show has been in the works since last Summer and I worked all of the weekends during May,June and most of the last half of July on the show. There were a total of 3 big truck trips taking and bringing back equipment from Orlando to Jacksonville.
I built the Asrah, the DeKolta Chair and helped cut two traps in the stage for the DeKolta and Buzz Saw. I was O'Brien's illusion technician.
In the end it was a lot of work, frustration and effort but I feel that considering the budget, the circumstances and situation the effort was worth it. For me it was a positive learning experience. From the audience viewpoint, I could tell that not everyone who saw the show understood what they were seeing! It was a unique stage drama with magic built into the storyline. This type of hybrid art form would have probably been better appreciated in a cultural area like the Northeast United States rather than Jacksonville.
This story is not finished...Mark O'Brien continues to refine his ideas and work on his film. In spite of all his setbacks, Mark O'Brien is still in the game.
I will keep you posted!
Dennis Phillips
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Trevor Lewis Lecture Scheduled
Trevor Lewis to lecture
The Funny Paper presents...
An Evening with Trevor Lewis
Direct from Wales a legendary Master of Magic and Comedy
FISM Award Winner
A rare U.S. Appearance by one of the legends in magic and comedy!
Trevor Lewis will charm and delight you as he performs and teaches some of his most amazing magic. You'll laugh and learn as he shares his favorite routines,
including hilarious children's magic and astonishing routines for adults. Don't miss your chance to see one of magic's masters while he's on this side of the
Date: Friday, August 25, 2006
Time: 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Location: Trinity E. Free Church (in the Common Ground room) 890 Abrams Road, Eustis, Florida
Tickets Only $20 in advance; $25 at the door
Reservations Recommended
To register, call 1-800-810-0722
A Hot Outdoor Show
Outside "HOT" Show
Did a show last night at the JW Marriott. Was told three days before the show that they decided to move the show from the ballroom to "outside". Yikes! Florida heat in August! I was ready to pass out from the heat while setting up (two hour set up) in the 100+ weather. Actually, the weather turned pretty nice once the sun dropped and we went on at 7:45pm. But the humidity was bothersome. The Zombie and cloth kept sticking to my arm which caused problems for some of the moves, although I think most went fine. The mic kept cutting out on me but...most went fine. All the time I'm thinking....I can't wait to get into the Sub Trunk in this heat. Sure enough, the wind picked up and not only could I not do the costume change inside (humidity would not allow me to get even one arm into the sleeve), but we had to "pause" during the switch as the wind swept the cloth into the trap...thus slowing down the switch...although I doubt that any of the audience was aware. To most people...even a slow switch looks fast to them. My feet got tangled in the costume that laid on the trunk bottom so I nearly tripped (I think I did) jumping out of the trunk. To top this....the Events Manager tried to make it "better" for the band and I by deciding where (he felt) the stage configuration should be...even though we were trying to explain how it would work for us....he was a very bad listener!
Here is the bottom line and lesson: No matter these problems the audience (200) enjoyed the show and seemed to be having a good time. With the dinner being also outside, I was amazed at how attentive they all were. The show lasted 45 min. and no one got up to leave...even in this heat. Just goes to show that no matter the challenges we endure in doing some of these shows, the audience is non-the-wiser most times...the show must go on. Never let them see you sweat....or swear...which I was doing both quite a bit last night.
PS- Club member Jerry and Paula Darkey were also present at this function doing "sand dollar art". Nice to have friends sharing in my discomfort.